WATCH: New Zeev HaTorah Promotional Video

Yeshiva Zeev HaTorah under the leadership of Rav Shmuel Brazil Shlita, is a unique TOTAL TORAH LEARNING EXPERIENCE where bocuhrim can learn to:

  • Perfect the skills for effective Gemarah learning
  • Achieve a high level of Tikkun Hamidos through the Hashkafa insights of the Rosh Yeshivah during his famous daily shmuz
  • Forge meaningful relationships with Hashem, Rabbeim, peers, and  with one’s future spouse in a warm “family style” environment
  • Develop Self Discipline and Community Responsibility
  • Experience personal growth in a nurturing setting which encourages talmidim to utilize their unique personal talents to achieve excellence, self fulfillment, and simchas hachayim.
  • Realize the power of niggunim to enhance davening, make Torah learning more meaningful, and ignite an individual’s Avodas Hashem.
  • Share the unique Zeev HaTorah Shabbos Spirit with others by conducting Shabbatons in various communities across Eretz Yisrael throughout the year
  • Appreciate an uplifting Shabbos experience culminating with the renowned inspirational Shalash Seudos including Divrei Torah, niggunim and dance which attracts over one hundred bachurim and Avreichim from neighboring Yeshivos.
  • Attain new heights in deveikus during the unparalleled Zeev Hatorah Yamim Noraim Davening Experience led by the Rosh Yeshiva which attracts nearly four hundred mispallelim

All this takes place in an inviting and embracing Makom Torah in a newly renovated building with in house dormitory in the heart of Yerushalayim.

Zeev HaTorah is the unique Yeshiva where self-motivated bocuhrim discover not only how they can upgrade their Torah learning, but also discover how the TOTAL TORAH LEARNING EXPERIENCE can transform them beyond what they dreamed possible.

Some slots still available for Elul Zman

2 Responses

  1. Rabbi brazil shlita”h is extremely fatherly, warm and deep. Anything you want from a Rebbe, he has! His Torah and Hadrochoh are mesmerising. His ability on having someone grow is unlimited.He is able to deliver deep deep shmuzing and keep even the one beginning to grow in full focus. Anyone who knows Rabbi Brazil simply loves him for the genuine love he instills. If you feel you haven’t succeeded in learning, or want a new beginning, or want a Rebbe for life, along with a close family, then Ziv Hatorah is the place for you. If you don’t learn in Ziv Hatorah but you want a shalishudis that the singing and Torah will nourish you the whole week, then Ziv Hatorah is the place to go to. Rabbi Brazil, much Brocha and hazlochoh!!

  2. Aha! Another UNIQUE yeshiva. Every yeshiva created in the last twenty years is said and marketed to be unique.
    That word is so overused it is fatigued. I want to hear of a non-unique yeshiva!!!!!!!

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