Gearing up for Chazaq’s ‘Big Event VI’

In the summer many urban Jews temporarily relocate to the countryside, but the Queens Jewish community never rests in its pursuit of safeguarding the next generation, and exporting its approach to Jewish communities far and wide. The Big Chazaq Event VI- the sixth annual gathering of unity and inspiration, to take place on Sunday night will highlight the work of Chazaq with speakers who can motivate the public in spiritual growth. “We have Charlie Harary, a renowned author, educator and motivational speaker returning as he has since the first Big Event,” said Chazaq Operations Manager Yaniv Meirov. “He has been with us from the start.”
Coming off from the successful Charidy fundraising drive on May 15, Chazaq doubled the number of staff on its PSTY- Public School To Yeshiva division, that seeks to assist any and all Jewish public school student in finding a yeshiva. “We’ve Baruch HaShem hit the 400 mark in transferring students so far, and our work continues without break. Summer is when Chazaq works in full force ahead of the coming school year. Our staff are working day and night reaching out to parents to help them make the change a smoother ride,” said Meirov.
At the same time, for public high school students who have not yet made the transfer, the organization’s Teen Division provides all-day summer Beit Midrash learning along with  programs sprinkled throughout the day. For students finished with high school who have embraced the Torah-observant life, there is a Chazaq Beth Midrash program led by Rav Ahron Walkin based at Congregation Od Yosef Chai in the heart of Kew Gardens Hills. “They receive a strong foundation for learning and then go out into the community to inspire others as well,” said Meirov.
Along with Charlie Harary, Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson is also a well-known name for Chazaq supporters, having previously lectured on the drug abuse crisis in the community. Born in Crown Heights and possessing a photographic memory, he became an oral scribe for the Lubavitcher Rebbe at age 15, memorizing and later writing down his lengthy Shabbat and Yom Tov shiurim.
Two great Sephardic sages will also headline Big Chazaq Event VI, the New York-based Rabbi Eli Mansour, raised in Brooklyn, educated in Lakewood and currently holding the pulpit at the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue in Brooklyn. Coming in from Israel, Rav David Yosef has a longstanding relationship with Chazaq, the Queens community, and Chief Bukharian Rabbi Yitzchak Yisraeli, having previously visited the borough last December for a night of chizuk at Beth Gavriel. “He is the son of Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l and brother of Rav Yitzchak Yosef, the current Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel,” said Meirov. “He sits on the  Council of Torah Sages in Israel. He has thousands of followers and has authored scores of works on Jewish law. We are very honored to have him speak and look forward to his words of inspiration.”
The event will take place during the Nine Days of Av, so while there will not be live music, Meirov promises an unforgettable evening that will inspire all in attendance  at Elite Palace. “The Big Event brings the Jewish community together. Everyone will be there. Our many generous supporters, rabbis, community leaders, community members, elected officials, activists, and you,” said Meirov. “All of this is done to ensure a strong Jewish future for our next generation.”
For more information about the Big Chazaq event or to purchase tickets please visit before it’s too late.



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