DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL 10:00 PM TONIGHT!!! Kollel Choshen Mishpot of Ohio Inter – Mosad Raffle


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KCM – “Kollel Choshen Mishpot – Toras Shneur” of Ohio opened recently with 12 Yungeleit, dedicated to the study of Choshen Mishpot, the first Kollel of its kind in Ohio. At the suggestion of HaRav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Shlit”a after whose father the Kollel is named, and encouragement of local Rabbonim, the Kollel was formed.

Unique to this Kollel was the need for Yungeleit who had already mastered other sections of\ Shulchon Oruch, and sought to further their growth through the study of this complex section of Halacha. Hence, these older Yungeleit are full-fledged Rabbonim, some who have relocated from Eretz Yisroel, Brooklyn and Lakewood to join KCM, and some who already received smichah.

Rav Cohen traveled to Eretz Yisrael and Lakewood to recruit a core group of dedicated yungeleit, to add to the few yungeleit that were part of the small pioneering group. The kollel is now comprised of a group of distinguished talmidei chachamim, which includes, Rabbi Noam Adler, Rabbi Yisroel Arnstein, Rabbi Shaul Borochovitz; Rabbi Yitzchok Goldsmith who also serves as programming director; Rabbi Akiva Dworkin, who also serves as the Rosh Chaburah in the afternoon; Rabbi Aron Karr, Rabbi Noam Kutoff, Rabbi Avraham Meyerfeld, Rabbi Itamar Nisenbaum, Rabbi Moshe Posner, and Rabbi Yaakov Schwartz, who also serves as the executive director.

There are many talented individuals to whom the Kollel attributes its success, and notable among them is our beloved Executive Director, Rabbi Yaakov Schwartz. A member of the Kollel, Rav Yaakov recently stepped in to fill this role as part of his own growth and Harbotzas Torah goals. Rabbi Schwartz is an alumnus of Telz Yeshiva, and Yeshiva of Ocean, NJ. With his esteemed parents and in-laws hailing from Cleveland, Rav Schwartz continues their mission of community-building and education. In his short time in Ohio, the Kollel has already made an impact on the local and broader community. In this direction, Rabbi Yitzchok Goldsmith fills the role of Programming Director.

He has already made himself a name as a talented, straightforward and dedicated Ben Torah of the highest caliber, and has most recently began a series of classes on Business Halacha in Canton, Ohio.

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