Kollel set to RAFFLE off $80,000 in CASH.


Kollel Choshen Mishpot of Ohio brings you this easy opportunity to
build Torah, and possibly catapult yourself to a successful future.
Check us out at www.kollelcm.com 

Donate more? Win More!! A donation of $65.00 to our Kollel gets you
one free ticket to the Raffle. A  $110 donation gets you 2 tickets. $220
gets you FIVE free tickets!

Your name and number of tickets will be automatically recorded by
our staff based on the donation amount and the name you entered, even if
you donated anonymously.

Your donation is tax- deductible.

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected]

Tizke Lmitzvos!


Raffle drawing will take place on July 11 2018

Thank You!

VISIT https://thechesedfund.com/cause/online-donation-platform TO ENTER!!

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