Help reunite a family that has been broken up. NOT BY CHOICE!!!


To our dear Yiddishe brothers and sisters,

In our prayers, we say Somech Nof’lim Ve’zokeif K’fufim: The One who lifts up the fallen and straightens what has fallen down.

We now ask you to lift up and help us get back on our feet, as our tzoros have weighed us down.

We are a recently a married couple who have both been previously married with children on each side.
I live in London as my children live there and I share custody with my
children’s father. My husband is in Israel as he cannot leave the
country due to heavy debts. The
 total amount of
debt accumulates to $100,000  This situation is causing both ourselves
and our dear children to suffer immensely. I have to travel back and
forth to my husband in Israel which causes me to fall even deeper into
debt. Having to travel fortnightly backward and forwards to my husband
and only being able to stay with him for a few days due to my child’s
special care needs is extremely tiring, painful and costly to say the

My daughter is the most precious thing to me and as she was born with
special needs she requires full-time care and attention. (so I’m unable
to leave London for longer than a few days at a time. ) 

The above stated explains why I cry for your help, from the bottom of my heart!


I’m sure that after watching this video you can only try to
understand and relate to the immense pain suffering caused to our dear
children who are extremely distraught due to our unfortunate

I as a mother have to deal with the aftermath of trying to keep my
pained children calm as well as see to their needs alone on a day to day
basis whilst missing my husband immensely.

this painful situation prevents me from working as I have to fly
frequently for very short visits as a newlywed and at the same time have
to care for my highly demanding special needs child.


 With your Tzedakah, even the minimum can help, so I can reunite with
my husband and children bekorov and build a Bayis Neeman b’Yisrael.

As it says in the Talmud, “Whoever gives Tzedakah will merit to reap
the fruits of his/her labor in this world, but the primary reward is
reserved for the world to come.”

Whoever donates will surely merit great spiritual reward in Olam HaBa!

May it be Hashem’s will that we will merit the verse:

” Surely there will be no poorer…” & may we all merit to build the third Beit HaMikdash Bekarov Mamesh!

Dear brother’s and sister’s please open your hearts and donate as
much as you can and take part in this great mitzvah to help us and may
we all share good news together always iy”h.

a broken mom.


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