Kupath Ezrah of Rockland County launches revolutionary CHANGE for Monsey!

One of the integral features of the Greater Monsey area is undoubtedly the Kupath Ezrah organization.  Whenever a crisis befalls a member of the community, this organization is the first to receive the call. A newly single mother all of a sudden forced to support her family, a family’s heat cut off in middle of the winter,  a child from a broken home needs a place to live, a father suddenly left without a job. To all of these, the quick answer has become ‘Call Kupath Ezrah’!

Kupath Ezrah wants to continue doing this lofty community work but in order for things to stay the same, they realized that it will require some CHANGE. As the costs continue to rise and this tzedakah takes on more responsibilities, Kupath Ezrah saw the need for a fundamental shift in fundraising capacity. 

Since this is a communityTzedakah, a revolutionary idea was formed.  How great would it be if every member of the Greater Monsey community can go through their regular shopping routine and have their purchase automatically rounded up to the next dollar? The CHANGE would be donated to Kupath Ezrah for the needy of the community. That is how the ‘CHANGE program’ was founded. While the idea and implementation are simple and the amounts on your bill are only pennies , the accumulated amounts for the community are significant affecting critical CHANGE in the lives of those most needy. 

Here’s how it works: Simply register your phone number in the CHANGE program for the participating stores in the link below. Every time you shop at your favorite participating store using your account, your purchase will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. The difference will be donated to Kupath Ezrah and go directly to help those who need it most. It’s that easy. Once you register, these small amounts will be calculated and donated hassle-free through our customized software downloaded at your participating store.

Stores were excited to join in as soon as they were contacted. These store owners know better than anyone how much Kupath Ezrah provides for the hungry and needy. Because they are eager to assist this vital cause, the stores have provided crucial assistance in setting up the necessary systems to ensure smooth operation of the CHANGE program.

As always, this was done with the backing of Monsey’s leading Rabbanim. All local Rabbanim accross the board endorse Kupath Ezrah and encourage supporting this crucial organization.

It is our hope that community residents will jump at the opportunity to join this innovative new program and start being a part of this great Mitzvah for pennies on the dollar. A little CHANGE will make a significant difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.

In the coming weeks, all community members will receive a information packet in the mail through which to sign up and join in this common objective of creating real, lasting CHANGE. Registration can also be done while checking online at http://changemonsey.org

 or by calling the Kupath Ezrah office at 845-352-0645.

CHANGE is coming to Monsey

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