Always Dreamed of Owning a Home? That Dream Can Now Be a Reality

Tired of living in a small cramped apartment with no yard while paying an obscene amount for rent? Well come check out Rochester where you can own a beautiful home for less than you are currently paying for a 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. The Frum community of Rochester is centered in the suburb of Brighton. Our neighborhood offers a wide array of beautiful homes in very safe, quiet neighborhoods. Not only is the quality of life in Brighton extremely high, the home pricing has remained very reasonable. The average 4 bedroom home costs around $200,000. At current mortgage rates, your monthly mortgage and property tax expense would come out to a total of only $1,400a month.

Can you imagine leaving your small, cramped apartment for a beautiful, spacious home and your monthly expense actually being lower? In Rochester this dream is a reality.

If you are not quite ready for home ownership not to fear. Westminster apartments, which is affectionately referred to as “Kollel Heights” is located right in the Frum community and has 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with rent around $750 and $850 a month respectively. See their website here for availability There are also 2 bedroom townhouses available at Monroe Manor from $995 a month. See their website here.

Click below for a general search for homes for sale in the Rochester area:

See more information about real estate in Rochester including a list of local real estate agents here

See our website for more details or contact us at [email protected] or 585-340-7143 to learn more or schedule a visit.

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