PHOTOS: Rabbanim Gather For Urgent Meeting

A group of the most esteemed rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel gathered last week for an urgent conference in the office of Vaad HaRabbanim L’Inyanei Tzedaka in Jerusalem [PHOTOS BELOW]. Among the leading participants were Moreinu Harav Hagaon Dovid Kohen shlit”a who is one of the generation’s greatest Roshei Yeshivah, Moreinu the Rebbe of Rachmastrivka shlit”a, one of the generation’s greatest Tzaddikim known for his powerful blessings, and Moreinu Harav Hagaon Naftali Nussbaum shlit”a, notable Av Beis Din.


The issue at hand was a thorough collection of 33 unique and tragic cases regarding impoverished orphans. Case details were distributed among the group, including how the brides and grooms lost their parents, the extent of their poverty, and their upcoming wedding dates. Remarkably, the rabbanim took the time to inspect each case and discuss the expenses necessary to save these orphans from shame on the day of their wedding.


All who were present were moved by the power of this massive project to provide a group of young people with dignity. Harav Hagaon Dovid Kohen shlit”a remarked that to be partners in this mitzvah is the greatest thing a person can do for his zechus and that of his family.


To conclude the session, the Rebbe of Rachmastrivka showered extraordinary words of bracha on all who donate for the marriages of the 33 orphans, blessing them that they should merit raising all their descendants to Torah v’chuppah, in health and with abundant parnassah.


The fundraising page for the campaign includes clips [below] of each of the brachos to donors, as well as moving footage from Rav Chaim Yossel Gafner. He holds a binder in his hands, pointing to one kallahs details on the page:


“She came to me begging for help,” he says, his voice wrought with emotion.


“I was an orphaned child. I know what it’s like.  No details on this paper can fully describe it.”


It is clearly an emotional and urgent mission for all involved: both the young people who are suffering from painful and embarrassing engagements due to a lack of funds, and the rabbanim who are rallying to inspire klal yisroel to help them.


It is a global movement which has the power to truly change the lives of men and women who have suffered. The time remaining until the weddings, however, is short. Those who are inspired to participate can donate here.






Rav Naftali Nussbaum shlit”a signs the statement.

The Rachmastrivka Rebbe shlit”a gives his support.

HaRav HaRosh Yeshiva Dovid Cohen shlit”a

The rabbanim review case details. 

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