Telshe Yeshiva of Cleveland 76th Annual Dinner

The Telshe Yeshiva of Cleveland 76th Annual Dinner will iy’H take place on June 24, at Landerhaven inMayfield Heights OH.  The Dinner pays tribute to Rabbi Shlomo Davis, zt’l, for a multifaceted lifetime of dedication to the Yeshiva and it’s Alumni; Rabbi Noson Tzvi Baron, zt’l, will be remembered for his role in transmitting the Telshe mesorah to future generations. 

 Rabbi Simcha Schwartz, ninth grade Magid Shiur in the Telshe Mechina, will receive the Harbotzas Torah Tribute, and Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Meisels will be granted the Shalsheles Hasdoros Tribute, in recognition of their longstanding connection to Telshe Yeshiva.  The graduating class of 1967 will celebrate a yovel of service to Klal Yisroel. 

 The Dinner will also pay tribute to Mr. Mendy Klein, z’l, the renowned patron of the City of Cleveland and advocate on behalf of Am Yisrael. Mendy served as Chairman of the Board at Telshe Yeshiva, and was the Champion of the renewed growth and excitement at Telshe Yeshiva.

 Please join us as we celebrate yet another year of growth and Harbotzas Torah at Telshe Yeshiva. Ad deadline for the commemorative journal is  June 18th.

 Click here to place your ad now.

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