If the Name “Rabbi Yari” Rings a Bell….

You are reading this because you are connected to the world-wide Kulanu Yachad family. You care about sharing the light of Torah with others. About helping others feel the warmth and beauty of Judaism. About changing hundreds of lives.

You have seen the “Yari-effect.” When an army of staff and volunteers create an inviting and welcoming environment… combine it with a meticulously planned program… and focus on celebrating the majestic mitzvos with which the Jewish People have been blessed… then you are able to connect Jews to Judaism in a real, lasting way.

Like Richard, who attended a Seminar several years ago and formed a relationship with Rabbi Yari that will last a lifetime.

Richard is a hard-working businessman in LA. His Kulanu Yachad experience ignited a spark, and he used his newfound passion to start a new business: A YP outreach center in his own community. Since then, he has ignited the neshamos of so many others, actualizing Kulanu Yachad’s goal of changing lives across America.

But there are so many more Richards to reach. So many more Jewish souls to ignite.


Shabbaton PROMO VIDEO from Kulanu Yachad on Vimeo.

What you may not realize is how your generosity actually ENABLES Kulanu Yachad to do what you so passionately care about: connecting Jews to their roots. As Eddie put it, ‘This Shabbat had a profound impact on me…I’m going home a different person.”

Philanthropy makes a huge difference here at Kulanu Yachad.

Because of you, Phil, a recent college graduate from Atlanta, will experience the grandeur of a Shabbos meal. He will sing and dance with strangers-turned-brothers as he welcomes the Shabbos Queen into his week. With determination. And love. And a fiery passion to bring shabbos into his life.

Because of you, Sharon, a St. Louis community member, will receive a Purim package in the mail each year. The package will create a spirit of Purim in her home and infuse her life with a love of Jewish values and practice that has never been there before.

Because of you, Kira from Cincinatti, a mother of two, will be inspired at the next Shabbaton. She will pray that her daughters grow up to be just like the volunteers she meets at Kulanu Yachad. And she will decide at that very moment to send her girls to a Jewish school.


Your gift is an investment in the very best of the Jewish People. It is an investment in Richard himself, and in hundreds of Richards across the country.

Please donate today and help Kulanu Yachad grow. Without you, we simply cannot reach more people to instill in them a true love of being Jewish. AND WITH YOU, Be’ezras Hashem, we can!

Plus, giving to Kulanu Yachad is simply smart philanthropy. That’s because a group of generous donors has challenged us to make a crowd match campaign and together rally up $300,000. To help accomplish this goal they have pre-pledged enough so that every dollar you donate will be QUADRUPLED.  

You only have until June 18 to take advantage of this incredible crowd campaign and QUADRUPLE  your impact!

Please donate today and help an organization that has helped so many. Your gift makes a serious difference.

**This campaign has a flexible goal**

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