Yeshivas Ner Dovid Inaugurates New Building

Old Monsey Landmark Revamped Under New Ownership

By Yehuda Leib Grohman

Last week, I had the pleasure of taking part as Yeshivas Ner Dovid of Monsey celebrated the inauguration of their new Yeshiva building at 29 W Maple, complete with a beautiful Beis Hamedrash and newly renovated dormitory.

The simcha was palpable as the talmidim avreichim and staf took part in the joyous occasion. Yeshivas Ner Dovid (YND), is led by its Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yona Friedberg Shlit”a, Rabbi Friedberg is a talmid of Hagaon HoRav Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik Shlit”a Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Brisk in Yerushalyim (more on that later).

The Yeshiva, currently in its 6th year, is a post Mesivta Beis Medrash, for boys of ages 18 – 21. In that short span, the Yeshiva has established itself as an outstanding makoim Torah, and has put out talmidim of the highest caliber.

As I ramble about the Yeshiva, I am struck by the love and respect the talmidim have for him. They regale me with stories of his interminable eforts and care on their behalf, and of the seemingly unending reservoir of harbotzas haTorah that flows from him.

At a recent wedding recently of a YND bochur, I am told that a bochur from a diferent Yeshiva approached the Rosh Yeshiva, and told him “I am friendly with many of the bochurim that learn and have learned in Yeshivas Ner Dovid and I can tell you that no one in Chinuch these days understands bochurim the way that you, the Rosh Yeshiva does”. The bochurim here concur. Apropos Yeshiva weddings, there has been a spate of chasonois recently in the Yesiva, I ask the Rosh Hayeshiva about what some are calling a “segulah” to learn in YND.

He characteristically brushes of the suggestion, and instead points to the virtues of his talmidim, and says he thinks the shidduch world appreciates such normal, well balanced boys, who’s top priority is shteiging in learning and becoming a true Ben Torah .

The Rosh Yeshiva endeavors to give every talmid the tools he needs to be a true lamdan and Talmid chochum. In this vein, the shiurim are built painstakingly ,and provide a top-down approach to learning.Every shiur starts with the Gemora Rashi and Toisfois, and talmidim are shown how to break down the sugya to its ultimate depth and clarity. The shiur is alive and crystal clear, with a lot of rischa de’Oiraisa. This is what the Rosh Yeshiva learned from his Rebbi, Rav Soloveitchick Shlit”a and it is this that he imparts to the next generation.

One bochur approaches me and tells me, that there is no other shiur on this side of the Atlantic that gives over so much Brisker Torah, they are inundated daily with Reb Chaims, Brisker Rovs, and Torah from Horav Avrohom Yehoshua himself, some of it from printed sources, and some available only mepi hashmuah. When I approach the Rosh Yeshiva about this, he replies in typical Brisker fashion,” the most important thing is what we don’t say” ( “di ikar iz vos mir zoggen nisht”).

The apex of the event was the kvias Hamezuzah on the Rosh Yeshiva’s office, the parents of Uri Fleischmann, part of the Yeshiva for over three years, have sent a symbolic gift to the Yeshiva, a Mezuzah cover in the shape of a harp, as in Dovid Hamelech’s harp. They have sent this with their utmost gratitude and thanks to the Yeshiva and its Rosh HaYeshiva, for infusing in their son Torah Avodah and Yiras Shomayim, and for the remarkable care and support he has received from the Yeshiva.

This Chanukas Habayis is indeed a happy day for the Monsey Community and for Klal Yisroel at large. I urge you to come and see it for yourself or call the Yeshiva office to set up a meeting, at 248-752-1268.

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