Eviction! Landlord Says No New Contrac

LANDLORD SAYS NO NEW CONTRACT: Rambam states “the highest level of giving charity is to help the person find a job so he does not have to resort to charity!” This is exactly what we are trying to do through this campaign as you will read a bit further down. 

The Weinreb family’s landlord is not renewing their rental contract! The rental properties here in Modiin Illit have risen to very high levels. The  family is barely making it on the rent payment they have now. If they continue renting they will have to leave the city. If they move out of the area, they lose all of the support systems they’ve developed over the last 8 years.

Know also that the father has been fighting with Bituach Leumi (Israeli National Insurance) for disability since 2013. Although EVERY doctor that has seen him (except for the system doctor) has declared that he should have 100% disability with an aide 24/7, they refuse to accept his case. Even the person helping him fight for disability payment cannot understand why they are denying him payments. 

They had been blessed with a reprieve but now MUST move. Mrs Weinreb’s mother just  passed away, she was so amazing and helpful financially (got the clothing and toys for the family). Despite their MANY challenges, Mrs. Weinreb is licensed from the USA and a well sought after Massage Therapist and Mr. Weinreb is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, the home we found would be great for them for the following reasons: The apartment has a large room that they could use as a shared office space which will be helpful to Mr. Weinreb so he could work without having to have others help him get there.

Also, the fact that Mrs. Weinreb would be working in the home means she would still be around for an emergency (G-d forbid). Also an attached one bedroom apartment with private entrance that they could rent out to help provide a monthly income. And best of all it’s on the same street they are now living on so they will not lose any of their life saving help.    

The father is diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation Type 1, a genetic structural brain disorder which required brain surgery. The surgery left him with a paralyzed vocal chord, balance problems, and respiratory distress requiring oxygen at night. 

The 3-year-old has  Arnold Chiari Malformation Type 1 and hydrocephalus.  His brain surgery left him with epilepsy which was poorly controlled by the standard medication. A second drug has been added and we are waiting to see if the combination will control the seizures. After a recent  MRI we just found out that the shunt is to short in his head, and the neurosugeon is sending him to different tests and wants to see him again in a few months.The neurosurgeon said that he will have to have ANOTHER SURGERY.

His 7-year-old son also has Arnold Chiari Malformation. Severe case of ADHD, he is also a very big danger to himself (he came 1 meter away from getting hit by a bus recently) and others! They put him on a mood stabilizer called “RISPERDAL” .  He also has speech delays, learning disabilities and balance problems.

His 5-year-old daughter has a serious autoimmune disease and has speech delays, learning disabilities and balance problems. She also has an issue with her right ear that is not able to have a tube as of yet because the doctor doesn’t want the issue to get worse, and they have to travel every three months to the ENT and occassionally when they need the microscope they have to travel all the way to Ashdod to the hospital there. 

Their 9-year-old sister has Tourettes, as well as learning disabilities and speech delays. She is also under severe emotional distress from a recent trauma and is in the care of a psychiatrist. 

After years of effort the family has: 

– qualified schools that are able to handle medical crises that may come up with their 4 sick children 

– doctors and specialists familiar with their case history

– community organizations for aid and assistance with basic needs… such as food 

– reliable, helping and understanding neighbors  

With the community supports they have established they finally have the semblance of a normal life. 

We need to raise  $500,000 so that the Weinrebs don’t lose everything and can finally have a chance at making a parnassa and not to need others for help. 

For them this is a necessity, NOT a luxury!!!  Please help. 


There are almost 51 billion WebPages in the world today.  

You came to this page because Hashem knows that you can make a difference. This means that either you and/or someone you know is able to help this family.  Hashem has made this  opportunity available to you. Now it is time for you to make a difference.  

PLEASE copy the URL of this article and/or the donation link and sent to all your friends, business acquaintances and family.  Please help us get the Weinreb story out to be seen. 


Time is of the essence. 

Thank you in advance for your generous donation and sending this article to anyone you feel can help.  Hashem willl surely bless you for this chesed. 

Contributing within the USA

Make checks out to: 

Congregation Supporters Of Torah                                                     

(on the bottom of check, in the memo, write Rav Reuven Weinreb

Mail check donations to:  

Reuven Weinreb c/o Rabbi Eckstein 580 East 8st. Brooklyn, NY. 11218 

 All check donations are tax deductable.  ALL money will go to the Weinrebs.    

Contributing within Israel: Here are the details of the Weinreb Family Fund that has been established by Matan B’Seter of Kiryat Sefer:  

Contributions may be made by credit card by dialing 1-800-234-566 at any time, 24 hours a day.  

To contribute by check, cash, or bank transfer, or to set up a banker’s order, use the following information:  

beneficiary: “Korat Gag Fund”, #460                                            

Account # 804401      Bank: Poalei Agudat Yisrael  Branch: 180           
Institutional code: 53891, “Karnot Kiryat Sefer”                                 

***be sure to indicate Fund #460  

Institutions: the receipt is recognized according to Par. 46 of the Tax Law 

Contributions cannot be made using the “Nedarim Plus” device.  

The fund’s expenses will be dealt with according to the decision of the Rabbis.  


Moshe Kershner Siyata — Matan B’Seter                 


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