Oorahthon and Oorah Auction drawing this Motzai Shabbos

The Oorahthon is this Motzai Shabbos! It’ll be a night of discussions and inspiration, music and entertainment, and of course, the drawing of over $300,000 worth of Oorah Auction prizes!

The night will start with Fiveish hour, hosted by Fiveish himself! Kids can speak to their very favorite character and answer his questions to win cool Fiveish stuff!

Next up is a commemorative tribute on Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz a”h, featuring speakers Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Yechiel Spero, Rabbi David Ashear, and Rabbi Yisroel Besser. Get inspired from this great lineup who will be sharing how Rabbi Zlotowitz and Artscroll affected our kiruv  individuals and the world at large.

The hot topic of the night is about the pressure to have, when enough is enough. Tune in for lots of opinions and heated discussions. Submit your questions on how to set and keep your own standards in a materialistic world.  Get answers from renowned therapist Rabbi Mayer Zuckerman, as well as veteran mechanchim and askanim. Submit your questions to [email protected].

Next is Shark Tank with guest Dr. Daniel Roth, as well as honor roll ceremonies and music all night long by Pumpidisa band, all culminating with the Oorah Auction prize drawings. Will YOU be one of the lucky winners?

Make sure you’re tuned in this Motzai Shabbos at 10 pm! Visit oorahauction.org to watch the Oorahthon live and to enter your last minute tickets.

You can also call the Oorahthon hotline at 718-557-0555 or 718-557-0505, or listen on your local radio station: NY Metro Area WABC 770 AM, WSNR 620 AM, 1640 WJPR AM, and in Lakewood at WMDI 107.9 FM.

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