A Chosson Who Never Made It To His Wedding

Yismach Yisroel chosson fund is set up to provide clothing for chassanim in need! In memory of Yisroel Levin ע׳ה


As we approach the Shloshim, we are all still reeling in pain from the sudden petira of Yisroel Levin a’h.  A remarkable individual, who left an indelible impression on all those who had the zechus of knowing him…..An ordinary boy with an extraordinary love for life. Yisroel, taken from this world at such an auspicious time, while standing at the threshold of the next phase of his life with his kallah Elisheva. Perhaps this is reminder to us all to live each day to its fullest – Days of boundless happiness and endless giving; just as Yisroel would have wanted.


To perpetuate the happy disposition and wonderful ways of our dear friend Yisroel, a fund especially for chassanim is being set up in his memory.


Let us open our hearts and make the weeks of the engagement period for EVERY chosson a happy time, and  send ‘packages’ of zechusim to our dear chosson in shomayim.


May the merits of Yismach Yisroel, an organization to raise money to provide for chassanim in need, stand as a zechus for our dear Yisroel.


Yehi Zichro Baruch


לזכר נשמת ישראל בן ישעיהו הלוי ואלישבע בתי-ה בת יחיאל אפרים




You can all be part of our goal; let’s provide for 100 chassanim in honor Yisroel’s shloshim by donating HERE



Chase quickpay: [email protected]


Checks can be payable to: SG of Rockland

19 Madeline Terrace

Spring valley, NY 10977

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