The 100 Ride: An Extraordinary Cycling Event For Chesed and Family Experience

Four years ago, Rabbi Senter , Rav of  of Kehillas Yesharim of Wesley Hills in Rockland County galvanized a group of his fellow chesed-minded cyclists with a novel idea and started a new tradition that has taken Rockland County and its environs by storm – a spring bike marathon for tzedakah.

“At the time, I was taking up bicycle riding for health purposes and I found it to be an invigorating and enjoyable activity,” Rabbi Senter said. “There are a lot of great bike riders in my shul who were very enthusiastic about launching an initiative that would use bicycle riding as a means of raising much needed funds to benefit those in need. This is why The 100 Ride was created.

“The Ride is called the 100 Ride since 100% of all money raised by the riders goes directly to tzedakah. Every cent of the money goes to benefit two established local tzedakos, Tomchei Shabbos and Kupath Ezra, both of Rockland County. Boruch Hashem, this year marks our fourth Ride, and due to demand from other communities, we have opened up the Ride to riders from all communities to participate as teams and even raise money to benefit the tzedakah of their choice, if they so choose.”

Riders perform the purest form of chesed, raising funds to benefit their designated charity at the highest level of giving, devoid of expectations of receiving anything in return.

Uri Kirschner has ridden in several tzedakah bike marathons and was excited by the challenge of raising enough money from sponsors to cover the costs. All aspects of The Ride are meticulously planned to perfection by Uri, and his group of volunteers work on the logistics for several months prior to each Ride. From its inception, they wanted to encourage less experienced bikers to participate in the event. So the ride offers a choice of a 25, 50 and 75 mile ride. In the true spirit of camaraderie fostered by The Ride, many of the more experienced bikers offered to accompany groups of less experienced ones to ensure their safety, making sure they paced themselves and hydrated themselves properly. There are also several father/son teams. Each route has many volunteers manning support shacks with water, energy bars, and energy drinks. In order to participate, each rider has to raise a minimum of $1000.

“The support of our sponsors is amazing,” says Mr. Kirschner. “Not only do the corporate sponsors cover all our expenses – of the jerseys, equipment, medical, advertising, and the barbeque – but all additional sponsorship funds raised goes directly to tzedakah. “   

Proud corporate sponsors of The 100 Ride include Kof-K Kosher Supervision, FM Home Loans,  Bubba’s Bagels, Evergreen Kosher Market, and Emstar Medical Services, Riverside Abstract among many others. The 100 Ride begins with a delicious “breakfast of champions,” graciously catered by Bubba’s Bagels. Infused with energy, the riders embark upon their scenic route, through Harriman Park, Bear Mountain, savoring nature’s beauty on an early summer day.

Reaching their destination, our champions receive a hero’s welcome, and are feted with a gala sumptuous barbeque and musical celebration, a most fitting tribute for a chesed mission selflessly performed. Since The Ride’s inception three years ago, it has evolved from a group of 60 riders to its present and ever expanding number of 150 riders.

“The Ride has become such a popular event that prospective riders already approach me during the current event to sign up for next year’s Ride,” says Mr. Kirschner.

“I encourage everyone to join The Ride, either as a rider or as a spectator,” says Uri Kirschner. “The Ride is an unusual combination of tzedakah, family fun, camaraderie, and physical training, all combined into one wonderful day.”

This years ride is on June 24, 2018 in Rockland County. For further information, please go to or call Uri Kirschner at (845) 445-6175.

(Body of Article originally appeared in Five Towns Jewish Times authored by Rochelle Maruch Miller)

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