Help Walk This Couple Down The Chuppah! All Donations Are Being Matched!

All donations to this hachnosas kallah Fund are being matched by a generous donor – walk this couple down the Chupa! please help this chosson and kallah! please donate and share!

Reb B. is the proud father of a large family. He works hard to support his family, at the same time not neglecting his learning. Throughout the year he manages to cover his expenses.

At this time, with great simcha, his daughter is engaged to be married to a fine bochur. However, there is no way that he can come up with the funds to cover the expense of the most simple wedding on his own. Unfortunately, he now has to come on to others to help him. Please, let us join together to make this Simcha a reality, you can make a huge impact.

In this tremendous z’chus of Tzedaka and Hachnosas Kallah, may Hashem bench you with abundant parnassah, good health, and the resources to continue helping others.

The Roshei Hayeshiva, Harav Malkiel Kotler and Harav Yeruchem Olshin are both familiar with this family and said i can use their name , they strongly endorse this cause.

We have someone that will match funds raised up to $18,500, so your dollar is doubled, please donate now!

Thank you and Tizku Lmitzvos

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