The Tefillah Event You Cannot Miss.

Throngs of Yidden will converge upon the tziyun.

Throngs of Yidden will join in a united Tefillah to the Creator of the World from the remote Hungarian village of Kerestir.

Throngs of Yidden will tear down the gates of Shamayim with their prayers on the great day, chiefly among them a minyan of talmidei chachamim arriving especially from Eretz Yisrael to daven at this auspicious site specifically on this date.

And they will be coming to daven on behalf of each and every person who seeks to be represented at this unique Tefillah event.

3 Iyar, the yahrtzeit of Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir, zy”a is drawing rapidly closer. And this is a day everyone wants to utilize.

Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir gained renown for his ability to wreak miracles on behalf of Yidden who came to seek his help. Gedolei Hador would send Yidden in need of parnassah directly to him, saying that the key to parnassah was in his hands!

And Harav Yeshaya would use this key over and over again… A blessing that left his lips never remained unfulfilled. Miracles were a regular occurrence at the tables in the tzaddiks courtyard in Kerestir.

These tables symbolized the chessed activities of Harav Yeshaya, who declared about himself that he was involved in “lasova velo lerazon”

Harav Yeshaya dedicated his entire being for the sake of his Jewish brethren. He saw to it that no Yid who came to his door ever left hungry. Tables laden with fresh, hot food available for the taking were set up in the courtyard of his home. His kitchen was always buzzing with helpers who stood over the pots while the tzaddik himself would serve the guests the best food Kerestir had to offer.

Harav Yeshaya was always on the lookout for ways to practice gemilas chessed, to the point where, before he left this world, he asked his students to perpetuate his acts of chessed and gave his word that he would intercede in Shamayim on behalf of anyone who did so.

Indeed, there is an organization that fulfills this tzva’ah. The Birkas Yeshaya organization has shouldered the responsibility to fulfill the difficult mission of perpetuating Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir incredible chessed enterprise in today’s day and age in Eretz Ysrael. Birkas Yeshaya sees to the support of hundreds of avreichim who study Torah, ensuring that they can toil over their studies without worrying in the least about how they will feed their families.

How do they do it?

Birkas Yeshaya runs a special “store” that stocks a variety of basic household necessities. This does not accept credit cards, checks, or even cash…

How do customers pay?

The customers at this incredible store are avreichim who are members of learning institutions supported by Birkas Yeshaya. They collect what they need from the shelves, approach the counter, withdraw their special cards and with the sums loaded onto their cards based on the amount of pages of Gemara they study per month (30 blatt, 50 blatt, and even more). The value of items they buy is deducted from the card.

Simple, easy and respectable.

This is the type of tzedakah Harav Yeshaya loved to do: He would support righteous Yidden in a dignified manner, so that they didnt feel embarrassed to be supported by others. This criterion, which Birkas Yeshaya insists upon, has earned Birkas Yeshaya the admiration and praise of all the Gedolei Hador, shlita, who describe it as  the “most mehudar tzedakah” Harav Yeshaya’s yeshuos come throughout the year, but on the day of his yahrtzeit, all the gates of Shamayim open wide and all obstacles are removed. 

In Hungary, prior to World War II, 3 Iyar was a day that masses of Yidden teemed to the tziyun of the saintly Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir, and many, many of them merited yeshuos.

In our generation, too, Yidden seek to take advantage of the date upon which the gates of parnassah open wide over the cemetery in Kerestir, and many people fly to Hungary in order to pray at the tzaddik’s grave on this day.

But it isn’t really necessary to board a plane in order to be present at this incredible event, the “krias Yam Suf” of parnassah.

Birkas Yeshaya dispatches a special delegation of ten rabbanim and talmidei chachamim to the tziyun of Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir with a list of the tzaddik’s partners – those who contribute to the chessed enterprise that perpetuates his legacy, those he promised to help from Shamayim.

Contact us in order to partner with Birkas Yeshaya and be represented at the awe-inspiring tefillah event on 3 Iyar at the tziyun of the Rebbe Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir


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