Do you know how to take advantage of opportunities?

The Day That Can Change Your Bank Account

Do you know how to take advantage of opportunities?

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is standing in the doorway. You can take advantage of it, but you have to act fast.

3 Iyar. The date is already here.

On this day, the pipelines of parnassah open wide above Kerestir, a forsaken Hungarian village on the outskirts of Europe.

Won’t you be a partner in Harav Yeshayale’s activities on such a great day?

Won’t you take advantage of the day that incredible abundance flows down from the heavens?

Won’t you pull down the perfect parnassah, the swollen wallet you’ve always dreamed of?

You can’t let this slip by.

Masses of Yidden will fill the alleyways of Kerestir as they make their way to the tziyun of Harav Yeshaya Steiner, zy”a, renowned tzaddik and miracle worker, to daven there on the day of his yahrtzeit. Dozens of minyanim will come and go in the ohel, but the closest spot, most special spot will be reserved for you. You will be Harav Yeshayale’s partner in the tremendous chessed that Birkas Yeshaya conducts in his name and his memory.

Even if you paid for a ticket and came all the way to the tziyun, it’s altogether different if you come as a partner of Harav Yeshayale. And Harav Yeshayale is the best partner ever – a partner who can bring you only profit, abundance and favorable hashpa’os.

A minyan of talmidei chachamim, messengers of Birkas Yeshayah, will go to the tziyun with a golden list of the tzaddik’s contributors. They have “front row” spots. Harav Yeshaya “owes” them…

Harav Yeshaya’s partners? What does that mean?

The story begins approximately a century ago, when Harav Yeshaya’le was still alive in the village of Kerestir and he was renowned across the land for his great acts of chessed.

Gedolei hador testified that Harav Yeshaya had achieved shleimus, perfection, in the area of gemilus chassadim. And indeed, it isn’t often one hears about tzaddiim of his stature who go to the trouble of personally serving their guests course after course as if they were simple waiters…

By Harav Yeshaya, chessed was an industry. It can be said that he ran a soup kitchen in his own home… His yard always held tables piled with food around which guests would sit and eat their fill. Harav Yeshaya would make sure every needy person received what he needed; nobody left Harav Yeshaya’s courtyard hungry! Even the yeshivah bachurim who came to bask in his greatness received provisions from him when they set out on their journey back home.

Harav Yeshaya made a deal with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. “Ribono shel Olam,” he turned to Him and said, “I do more than is in my power to feed poor and unfortunate souls; You, too, do ‘more than is in Your power’ to enable me to help them!”

And indeed, a special blessing rested upon the dough and upon all the pots in the tzaddik’s kitchen. The hired help in his house testified that on many occasions, they prepared a meal from the limited amount of ingredients they had, only to have it miraculously stretch to feed all the many people seated at the tables.

The story is told that Harav Yeshaya once issued instructions that a table be set for chassidim who had come to his court. One of the maids peeked into the pot and said with a sigh, “There’s not enough soup left to serve everyone at the table.” Hearing her comment, Harav Yeshaya approached the pot, stirred it a bit with the ladle and said, “What makes you say that? The pot is full enough to feed everyone.”

The maid returned to the pot, glanced inside, and sure enough… the soup was nearly overflowing… Once again, Hakadosh Baruch Hu had extended His assistance so that Harav Yeshaya’s guests would not be hungry.

The miracles that transpired in Harav Yeshaya’s household were so great that the saintly Harav Yissaschar Dov of Belz once sent a chassid of his who complained of difficulty with parnassah to Kerestir, saying, “Your issue is his jurisdiction; the key of parnassah is in his hands!”

The key of parnassah is in the hands of Harav Yeshaya of Kerestir, and he distributes abundance to every Yid who comes to him.

And especially to his partners.

But how does one become his partner?

Before his passing, Harav Yeshaya clearly promised that he would intercede from Shamayim on behalf of anyone who perpetuated his acts of chessed in this world.

This Birkas Yeshaya organization has undertaken to fulfill this tzava’ah and perpetuate Harav Yeshaya’s wondrous acts of chessed in our generation as a merit for the ascension of the neshamah of the tzaddik of Kerestir.

The Birkas Yeshaya organization sees to the support of hundreds of families of avreichim in Eretz Yisrael in a respectable fashion. This “premier” tzedakah has garnered praise from all the Gedolei Hador. This is the kind of tzedakah Harav Yeshaya loved to do: supporting holy people in a dignified manner.

And Harav Yeshaya does indeed intercede from Shamayim on behalf of those who perpetuate his work.

The tzaddik keeps his promise.

He can deliver the goods, you know… After all, the greatest tzaddikim have testified that he holds the key to parnassah!

And now the great day of the yahrtzeit of the tzaddik of Kerestir is upon us, the day when the gates of heaven open wide and tremendous abundance flows to this world, ready to be caught by anyone who reaches out for it.

You must catch it. You dare not miss this opportunity.

Throngs of Yidden will be there, in Kerestir, to daven at the tzaddik’s tziyun and “buy” their parnassah.

But you will truly be there, on the golden list to be held in the hands of the delegation of talmidei chachamim dispatched by Birkas Yeshaya. The list of Harav Yeshaya’s partners, those who take part in the incredible acts of chessed that perpetuate his legacy. The tzaddik will surely keep his promise to them in a big way…

Quick, come catch an honorable spot on the golden list of Harav Yeshaya’s “privileged personalities.”

Come close your deal with Harav Yeshaya and bring your yeshuah down from Shamayim on 3 Iyar.

It’s happening now…hurry!

Contact Birkas Yeshaya and earn a spot on the list of the tzaddik’s partners!



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