Maggid Shiur in Danger of Death

“Attention klal yisroel,” begins the urgent text released by Kupat Ha’Ir on behalf of Rav Shimon Galai shlit”a. The story which follows is a sobering one:

A talmid chacham and maggid shiur, described by Rav Galai himself as “one of the greatest talmidei chachamim in halacha that exists in this generation,” is reportedly in a dangerous situation of debt, hinging between life and death. Due to the necessary anonymity of the talmid chacham in question it is not clear through which act of mesirus nefesh or chesed the maggid shiur has come to acquire this debt. Rav Galai however, knowing the details in full, has confirmed the story’s integrity.


The Rav continues: “I come with a special request, though it is not in my way to do this often, to ask of each individual in klal yisroel to help this great tzaddik.”

When a tzaddik in the generation falls, klal yisroel suffers immeasurably. With ust hours remaining until Pesach, some have chosen to join Rav Galai in saving a precious life.



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