A Look Inside: Israel’s Poorest

The hours are ticking away until Pesach arrives, and impoverished families in Israel are in a state of crisis.  Many of the absolute poorest have been hand-selected by Kupat Ha’Ir’s Kimcha D’Pischa program.


Rav Chaim Kanievsky has therefore made an urgent request of klal yisroel: Help these desperate families by giving kimcha d’pischa to Kupat Ha’Ir’s campaign. Those who respond to his appeal will receive his bracha for a joyful seder night, as well as the numerous brachos that come from responding to the appeals of the gedolim and giving tzedaka to a reputable source.


In accordance with his yearly tradition, Rav Chaim Kanievsky will take time erev Pesach, directly after saying tehillim, to pray for the select few who choose to join him in this crucial campaign.


Those who wish to see the Rav’s handwritten letter, and to learn more, can donate here for a limited time.




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