Korban Pesach in Boro Park? Check this out!

2 Responses

  1. Cringeworthy on so many levels.
    1. Do they even know the difference between a sheep and a goat?
    2. To walk the poor goat into the shop so he can see what became of his fellow behaimos smacks of achzarius.
    3. The Korban Pesach reference…and even a sign on a lamppost!?!? Hardly! And possibly assur. Check the halacha. One may not refer to the meat one is preparing for lail seder as korban Pesach.
    4. Dingy blue bathrobe and slippers, maybe borrowed from his…gasp!… wife – or sister!
    In summary, an ad for FOOD in extremely poor TASTE

  2. Wow.. i like its very cute,
    Btw I’m a good costumer from them they have fresh clean meat with the highest standart of kasrues,
    I suggest anyone who wants good meat go over there you will not be disappointed.
    From a happy costumer

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