Get IGNITED and INSPIRED for Pesach! Shabbos HaGadol Drasha by Rav Fingerer

The entire community is invited to attend the Shabbos HagAdol Drasha by Rav Yitzchok Fingerer. Men are encouraged to arrive early so that they have seats. There is a separate entrance for women. Doors open 5:20pm. The drasha begins 5:45pm. Come to the drasha and be ignited and inspired before Pesach! BJX Beis Medrash is located at 2915 Ave. K. If you would like to sponsor this drasha in memory or in honor of someone please notify the office at 646-397-1544. Carlebach Kabbolos Shabbos is 6:45pm and Shabbos Shacharis is 9:05am followed by a hot kiddush in honor of a BJX student who going to learn in Eretz Yisroel! Shacharis on Sunday is 9am followed by Q&A’s and Mechiras Chometz.


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