EXTENDED DUE TO SNOWSTORM! Win Your Downpayment for House in Lakewood!

Dearest Friend,

This letter is a first. And in writing it, I feel privileged, grateful, hopeful. 

It’s been only three years since the first few Belz families moved from overcrowded Brooklyn to Lakewood – and already, we, as a community, are inviting you to share and celebrate our tremendous growth and achievement B’chasdei Hashem!

As we lay the roots of what has been only a dear hope, we are ourselves overwhelmed. We’ve grown to welcome close to 200 families. Our Mosdos Hachinuch educate more than 350 children, kein yirbuh. What a breathtaking z’chus! What an awesome responsibility!  Certainly, a goldmine of potential.

Will you help us tap into it?

Will you empower us with the ability to invest in our generations?

Will you contribute to our work of establishing all aspects of our fledgling kehillah?

Will you support our efforts to bring more beauty, more joy – in unity – to Am Yisroel?

Please, check out the link below and join our Harchivi Campaign today. More life, more space. More money, more merits.

Because your contribution means more than you can even know.

And whatever you hope for – we wish you even more.


The Belz Community of Lakewood







About The Belz Community of Lakewood


Few thought it possible. Most deemed it unrealistic.

‘Everyone’ was wrong.

The Belz Community of Lakewood is thriving. And all are awed. Indeed, we marvel with curious wonder at this unprecedented achievement.  

Its establishment, its success, its growth – the making of this community has begun and continues, with the blessings, support and guidance of the Belzer Rebbe, Shlita.

It’s a community of building – with hands and heads and hearts. And ultimately, it’s a community of growth – as individuals, as families, as a community.


Humble Beginnings

They set out with just a vision and their age-old values in the rucksack on their shoulders.

They were just a few families taking brave, pioneering steps. They were following only a pencil-sketched image of what might become – and the word of their Rebbe.

They uprooted their families from an overcrowded Brooklyn. And created the Belz Community of Lakewood. The first of its kind.

Incredibly, in just 3 years – the first few families have grown to 200!  The number of school-aged children have increased to more than 350! Kein yirbuh, so may it continue to increase.

And the markings of all these milestones are reflected in the efforts and achievement of the Mosdos Hachinuch.


Mosdos Belz of Lakewood

The community members had moved to these larger, Lakewood apartments – for their children; they established this community – for their children. And so of course, their very first undertaking was to build a Talmud Torah and Bais Malkah – for their children.

Because our dearest possessions require our greatest efforts.

In October of 2015, tens of children gathered in small basement rooms – some with their rebbe, some with their teacher.  A cheder. A school. The establishment of Mosdos Hachinuch in Lakewood began in this bubble of purity and eagerness and love.

One year later, the rooms were full of light and learning and laughter – and too many children to be contained. With the involvement of experts, lots of figuring and financing, a new place was rented for the boys, a building was bought for the girls, and eventually a cheder building too.

Looking forward to September of 2018 – in only the fourth year since the grounding of the community –  both the Talmud Torah and Bais Malka will b’ezras Hashem commence the year in a newly-renovated home of their own – with the astounding total of more than 20 classes – some parallel and about 400 students!



Your Part:


So, let’s take a peek within the building, beyond the classroom doors…

Ahh!  The air is alive!

Rebbeim, teachers, head-staff, educational books, nutritional food, lights and heat and power, desks and chairs and endless stacks of paper…

Ahh! The costs of living…

One successful day, one week, one month – and then, again, it’s the 1st of a new month.


And here too, they are pioneers – stretching themselves thin to meet an impossible budget – with a vision and their values and the guidance of the Belzer Rebbe, Shlita.

Because Mosdos Belz of Lakewood is the first of its kind in New Jersey, NY.

It is a mosad that welcomes all children of the community regardless of the family’s financial ability. Regardless of whether a class is bursting and 2 small, parallel classes will have to created – adding another payroll without a full class’s tuition.


It is a mosad that has opened small classes for the higher grades as per the instructions of the Belzer Rebbe, Shlita. (And though there’s a demand – they cannot accept local children from other communities to fill up these classes because they must keep the room for more expected moves as more developments reach completion.)

It is a mosad where tuition rates are comparative to the those in New York – a lot less than the tuition in the average Lakewood Yeshiva.

And yet, while mosdos in New York receive substantial government assistance, a mosad in New Jersey receives significantly less benefits.

Please, help us fill the gap!  Donate generously to fill the monthly deficit – before it snowballs into many months’ many deficits!  Become a pioneer! Have a part in creating a magnificent empire of Torah and chasidus through Mosdos Belz of Lakewood.


There is a missing piece. And only you can fill it.




Moving Forward


If the past is any indication of the future – then we must gear up for continued growth, continued bracha and continued efforts together – b’ezras Hashem.


And when we’ll look back, we’ll realize how essential our strong beginning was. How we couldn’t have done it with you.

And you’ll take pride in the blossoming empire of Kehillas Belz of Lakewood – the generations your assistance helped to thrive!







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