Don’t Just Think Pesach, Think the Entire Calendar Year!

These days, two things are on our minds. Making Pesach and properly utilizing the upcoming 12 Auspicious days.

Making Pesach can be costly for everyone. For the poor, it is beyond exorbitant. 
Making Pesach can be challenging. For the sick, it can be be virtually impossible.
For someone who is both sick and poor, Pesach is a nightmare.

“We suffer all year long. Can you help us feel a little bit of Yom Tov?”

Bikur Cholim needs your help. We need you to partner with us in the great tzedakah of Kimcha D’Pischa.
But we’re not just asking you to partner with us. We will partner with you as well. 
At Bikur Cholim we are all one family, and we know that you too have have challenges and troubles. We care for you and want to help you and your family members attain abundant parnossah, find the proper shidduch, reach hatzlocha, healh, nachas, and any other blessings you seek!
We will let you in on a secret known to tzadikim. The upcoming 12 days can change your life. They are crucial to you for a successful year and we will help you.
Click here for details.
Click here and partner with us.
“Your neighbors, family members, beseech you, Please Help!”

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