If She Were Your Daughter, Someone Might Care

Some kallahs want the perfect dress. Others want their dream home. All Racheli wants, is for someone to care.


Years ago, when she and her three siblings lost their mother, they had to adjust to a new life. However with the sudden passing of their father recently, their world has been turned once again.


Rachel, being a responsible older sibling, has become like a mother to the rest of the kids in the house. She is employed as a kindergarten teacher, where she works long hours to bring home a modest paycheck.


Now, what is a dream for many young girls, has become a nervewracking situation: Rachel is engaged to be married this week. Her paycheck is not enough to build a home, or to buy the essentials. With no parents at home, there is no one making sure that she has what she needs.


She will walk to her chuppah alone. That pain alone is one that most kallahs do not face.


A campaign has been started where members of klal yisroel can donate to become a member of Racheli’s family. Together, we can show her that though she has lost her parents, she is not alone.


This is a very sensitive time for the young bride.




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