Newly Married Couple Gets Shocking News

Elkie and Ari Hoffman were married last year, and like most young couples they received the beautiful news that they were expecting a child. What began as a newlywed’s dream, however, quickly turned to every parent’s nightmare. Their son was born with a severe birth defect.


Aryeh’s cleft lip keeps him in a constant state of pain and frustration. Like most infants, he cris – however his cries are not a normal baby’s cries. He is unable to properly eat.


After consulting with doctors and rabbanim Elkie and Ari have arrived at one option: Facial reconstruction surgery. The procedure recommended to them, however, costs a shocking $35,000. Aryeh’s parents are at a loss, as this is their son’s chance at a normal, pain-free life.


An emergency fund has been started to raise money for Aryeh’s surgery. “”This is a desperate plea from a mom who is terrified, “ campaign text reads, “who wants the best for her baby.”


Surely every mother prays for a pain-free life for their child. Whether Elkie’s prayers will be answered, however, has yet to be revealed.




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