Revach V’Hatzalah Yaamod LaYehudim

Revach V’Hatzalah Yaamod LaYehudim

Salvations from the Gravesite of Mordechai and Esther

By: Frimet Blum

Present day Shushan is a far cry from the grandeur of Achashveirosh’s seat of power. Instead of a magnificent royal court and streets teeming with Jews, the city is dusty, dilapidated, and dangerous. The Iranian secret police maintains a constant presence, tailing visitors and casting a shadow over their travels. There are few Jewish residents. But as home of the gravesite of Mordechai and Esther, the city retains its lure as a place of prayer and salvation.

Only the bravest risk the trip. But this Purim, an entire minyan of Jews will visit the kevarim. They will be emissaries of Mesamche Lev, and will pray on behalf of Mesamche Lev’s donors. Those who take advantage of this rare opportunity will bring great power to their Purim. They will have their tefillos ascend to shamayim on the holiest of days; from the kevarim of Mordechai and Esther, who brought about a complete turnaround in the fate of the Jewish people. There is no question that this tefillah alone will bring about salvations. But there is more.

The zechus of the tefillos will be coupled with the mitzvos established by Mordechai Hatzaddik; matanos l’evyonim and mishloach manos. Mesamche Lev will use the token $36 fee per name to fund its legendary Purim program. The organization distributes large checks to six hundred thirty widows in Eretz Yisroel and in the United States; and to a large number of single mothers. The matanos l’evyonim checks bring joy and relief to families that have long forgotten the joy of Purim. They also allow donors not only to fulfill the halachic requirements of Purim, but also to experience the yeshuos wrought through the mitzvah and through the tefillos at the kevarim of Mordechai and Esther.

The many rabbonim who endorse Mesamche Lev and witness the organization’s exceptional work firsthand verify the hiddur of this campaign, and its guarantee that all matanos l’evyonim received by 4:00 pm on Purim will be distributed bo b’yom, on Purim. They bestow their blessings for health, nachas, parnassah, yeshuos and refuos upon all who participate.

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