Join the Eat4Oorah Campaign!

Oorah is proud to announce their latest fundraising campaign, Eat4Oorah. Join the campaign by committing to gain 5 pounds or more this Purim to help yiddishe kinderlach. With resources such as a helpful list of high-calorie foods, and support along the way, it’ll be easy to raise the requisite $1,800 to participate. Oorah suggests soliciting extra kokosh cake, brisket, and hamantashen from friends and family when you ask for sponsorships. So stop drooling and start eating, after all, it’s for the kinderlach!  

Register for Eat4Oorah or sponsor a friend at

4 Responses

  1. With all due respect to a tzedakah organization, I think it would be appropriate to cancel this campaign and replace it with something else. Harav Yitzchak Hutner ztl said that the main problem of the generation is a zilzul, disgrace, of the concept of adam, a human being. This type of shtick is not funny; it is not befitting our nation, it is poor chinuch for our children, and I am sure that no spiritual leader in Klal Yisrael would approve. Kindly step up to the plate (pun intended) and rescind this tasteless mistake of an idea.

  2. Before anyone accuses Oorah of advocating something as serious as overeating, be aware that this is not serious. It is a Purim joke. Following the link will tell you so. Though they didn’t waste the opportunity to ask for a donation!!

    Nevertheless, I think the joke is in poor taste and I expect there will be some backlash.

  3. I followed the link to its home page and no where does it indicate it’s a joke! My filter doesn’t go past the home page.But joke or not this is at minimum poor taste! Society has reached a new low!

  4. We’ve reached a new low!!! From a “Kiruv” organization sadly. There are so many other other kiruv organizations and they don’t campaign in this disgusting fashion.

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