MSP Shabbos mission to Omaha

This past week was hopefully a most restful and enjoyable one, as many of us had the opportunity to spend some quality time with our children who had some time off for their mid-winter vacation. 

Whether we went on a local trip, a ski destination, warmer temperatures down south, or Eretz Yisrael, we hope our children got what they needed to propel themselves for the second half of the school year. 

There was one local yeshiva that took this mid-winter vacation to a whole new level.  One that combines beautiful scenery, kiruv rechokim, skiing, and a most enjoyable week with their dedicated Rabbeim.

Mesivta Shaarei Pruzdor, or MSP as it’s formally known, decided to utilize this opportunity to make an everlasting impact on their talmidim, and an entire community.  Their destination was the Jewish community of Omaha, Nebraska.

The excitement for this most memorable trip has been in the making for a few months, and was the brainstorm of the Rosh Hamesivta Rabbi Elly Merenstein, and the Rav of the Omaha community, Rabbi Ari Dembitzer. The entire trip was carefully arranged and seamlessly orchestrated by Omaha representative powerhouse couple -Benyomin and Mimi Lerner. 

The mission to Omaha was an all-encompassing trip whose goal was to make an impact on a community who might not have the resources and accessibility that we have here in the New York or most frum communities.

With the total Jewish population in Omaha at 5,000, one shul, one kosher store, but no yeshiva, what bigger impact can be made on how B’nei Torah dress and act, than by sending 26 ninth graders to a place where many Nebraskans have never met Yeshiva students! Omaha, Nebraska which has a 100-year-old Jewish community, was thirsting to have a Shabbos where a group of students would come and join together for a most uplifting Shabbos. 

To prepare for this trip, the boys understood that their achdus, zemiros, divrei torah, and visible yalmuke and tzitzis would have an impact on young and old alike.

The leadership opportunity for each and every Talmid was second to none.  The boys had the opportunity to lead davening, say divrei Torah, give Parsha “shiur” to “not yet observant” students, and help prepare and serve Shabbos meals.  As a group, the boys made an impact from the first moment they landed in the airport, as they davened shachris during their stopover with tremendous pride and joy.  One of their first stops was to a local senior center to lift their spirits and give them a small taste of Shabbos zemiros.  They visited a 100 year old Jewish cemetery, held a kumzitz and talent show with the members of the community youth and amazed every person they came in contact with. 

The Omaha community graciously hosted the boys and more than 200 members of the community joined the yeshiva for two Shabbos meals.  The boys interacted with the members of the community both young and old during these times, and the experience of this Shabbos is one that will not be forgotten form many many years, by all participants.  Although it was a group trip, each talmid felt the importance of their individual impact on the community, and their lives as a Mesivta boy.  Each and every detail was carried out with perfection, both in regard to ruchniyus and gashmiyus.

On their “vacation time”, there were various shiurim going on from the Rabbeim of MSP, as well as from Rabbi Dembitzer, the rav of Omaha.  They also had the chance to experience many of the local “attractions” including sporting activities, ice skating, a goat farm and skyzone.

If this wasn’t enough of an experience, the dedicated staff of MSP then took their students on a two-day ski trip to Colorado.  This unbelievable and life-changing trip with their rabbeim is sure to have an everlasting impact on each boy and propel them to have a most successful second half of the school year. 

With the Far Rockaway/Five towns community bursting at its seems, there’s no question how crucial it is for us to support this new Mesivta. The Yeshiva’s first inaugural scholarship dinner will take place iy”h February 7, 2018, honoring Mr. and Mrs. David Klein as Guests of Honor, and Mr. Simcha Frishman as Teacher Appreciation Award.  MSP is doing an amazing job and has fulfilled the need for another yeshiva in a growing community.  A very generous anonymous donor has agreed to match the first $250,000 in donations.  Reservations and donations can be made at  To learn more about MSP, Rabbi Elly Merenstein can be reached at [email protected] 

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