Momentum Builds As 3rd Annual TEAM Shabbos Just One Week Away

Just one week remains until the highly anticipated Shabbos that is already spurring hundreds of shuls and communities around the country into positive action: TEAM Shabbos. Following last year’s tremendous success, the third annual Traditional End-of-Life Awareness Movement (TEAM) Shabbos returns this Shabbos Parshas Vayechi, December 30, 2017.

A project of the National Association of Chevra Kadisha (NASCK), TEAM Shabbos addresses and discusses the vital concepts and concerns related to end-of-life within the Jewish community. The mission of TEAM Shabbos is resonating strongly within communities all over: To generate positive awareness and provide education and direction regarding the value of life and critical end-of-life decisions.


The momentum and positive energy is overwhelming. Shuls and communities nationwide are enthusiastically embracing the opportunity to bring the topic of end-of-life, a subject which is often uncomfortable and therefore avoided, out into the open in an informative, inspiring and positive way. So far, over 400 shuls in 209 cities have joined this year’s Shabbos, already exceeding the number of participating shuls in 5777.


There are several ways your Shul can participate in TEAM Shabbos. Utilizing the week leading up to TEAM Shabbos, incorporate related material in Shiurim, newsletters, Shabbos Drashos, and Divrei Torah to ensure that the largest number of people will have the chance to be informed and inspired. Communities can still use this special opportunity to collaborate with NASCK and plan to run programs or host renowned lecturers in the coming months to speak on a vast array of end-of-life related topics, further boosting awareness and knowledge.


From Shuls in New York, Florida and Toronto to cities in Ohio, Nevada and Tennessee, the national initiative is creating a dramatic shift in the common approach and perspective that people have regarding the issues surrounding end-of-life care and preparation. Subjects that were once taboo and concerns and questions that have gone unanswered are now being addressed in a helpful and constructive way.


By utilizing the teachable moment that Parshas Vayechi offers and the commitment of Rabbis and shuls around the country, we can continue spreading our message about the importance of properly preparing ourselves and others for illness and end-of-life decisions.


Has your Shul joined TEAM? Sign up today and join hundreds of shuls across the nation to generate awareness about the Torah perspective on the value of life, here and hereafter.


To sign up or learn more, call 718-847-6280 or visit

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