Hundreds of Fundamental Seforim, and Commentaries at Special Sale Prices!

A special opportunity to fill, renew and enhance your private seforim collection, your Beis Medrash, or your Yeshiva library.

Am Yisrael Chai! From Chai (י”ח)Kislev till Chai Teves, is Book Month for Machon Yerushalayim. The legendary publisher of seforim, is bringing the exciting Annual Sales Event to the U.S. market.

Thousands of seforim, from all subjects on the Torah and Talmud, new alongside old, are being brought to you during the Annual Sales Event.  Special limited prices, that you can now afford to fill, renew and enhance your personal Torah library. Gabaim of Yeshiva libraries and Shuls now is the time to take advantage of the Annual Sales Event and stock up on seforim for your Yeshiva or Beis Midrash.

Machon Yerushalayim is presenting the Shulchan Aruch Friedman Edition-now complete, the last volumes have just been released! This monumental set comprises 35 volumes that will be sold for a special sale price during the Sales Event only.  For those that have already purchased the set, the new volumes will be available for sale price during the sales event.

The Annual Sales Event“, says the Director of Machon Yerushalayim “is also a special opportunity for the Machon, to give all those that learn Torah, and appreciate seforim, the possibility of attaining the seforim at affordable prices.  A tremendous amount of thought and effort goes into bringing over a variety of seforim, publications and the special new editions, to the various different markets in the frum community: Rabbonim, Poskim, Scholars, Yeshiva students, Balei Batim, and all those that love Torah learning. There are seforim for every Jew, on every level, to be able to enjoy the tremendous work of scholarship, in beautiful bindings, at affordable prices.

The Directors of Machon Yerushalayim will be visiting the States for part of the event and can be contacted through the office at:

The Annual Sales Event will take place from 18 Kislev- 18 Teves, December 6th– January 5th at Judaica bookstores in the following areas:

Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush, Queens, Williamsburg, West Side, Five Towns, Riverdale, Kiryas Yoel, Monsey, Lakewood, Passaic, Teaneck, Baltimore, Cleveland Heights, Los Angeles, Miami, Oak Park, Southfield.

Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to stock up on your special seforim, Bar mitzvah and Chassan gifts!







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