Rav Firer Advises Flying Face Cancer Specialist Into Israel

You may have heard Rav Yoel Klapholtz’s name before: whether in connection with his campaigns to tackle talking in shul, his involvement with ZAKA, or his family’s reputation for chesed.

However now the Klapholtz name has begun to circulate once again, and for a tragic reason: Rav Klapholtz’s teenage son Reuven has a severe case of cancer on his face.

What started as a single blemish has escalated to a condition so gruesome, pictures of it are marked as ‘explicit.’ The boy cannot sleep, eat, or generally function. 

The family traveled to the office of renowned medical askan Rav Firer, in hopes of gaining some guidance. Rav Firer advised that the child have surgery immediately. The surgery can only be performed by a specialist who currently resides in America. It was unclear whether it was better to fly the specialist into Israel, or to fly the boy to America.

Either way, one thing is clear: The family cannot possibly afford the expenses involved.

 As the days pass, Reuven’s pain increases. His father has opened an emergency campaign, with the goal of saving his life.

It is the hope that this respected and beloved family will be rewarded for their many years of chesed. Their reward: The rest of their son’s life. 



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