Lakewood Rabbonim Convene at Special Asifa For Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisroel

It was an extraordinary display of achdus and kovod hatorah. This Monday at 4:00 in the afternoon, dozens of Lakewood’s kehilla rabbonim, from across the communal spectrum, put aside their busy schedules to attend an urgent asifa called by the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Malkiel Kotler. The block of the Rosh Yeshiva’s home was closed to vehicular traffic as the large crowd of distinguished talmidei chachomim were ushered into the house.

The table was graced by the presence of the Zekan Roshei HaYeshiva, Harav Shmuel Kamentsky and the Roshei Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoha. Rav Malkiel opened the meeting with a few brief words about the precedence his zeidah gave for Chinuch Atzmai over all other causes. He noted then legendary mesiras nefesh with which Rav Ahron zt”l shouldered the enormous budget to the point that it became his life mission.

The Rosh Hayeshiva told the rabbonim in attendance that at this time of year, when we seek the ultimate zechusim in preparation for the yemei hadin, we are being presented a unique opportunity.

Chinuch Atzmai is the mainstay of chinuch for the general population of Achenu Bnei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel. The transportation element, which is funded by Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisroel is the engine that facilitates the chinuch of the thousands of children in the periphery settlements, who otherwise would have no access to a Torah chinuch. It is an opportunity where our kehilla can “buy in” at a relatively nominal expense and achieve immeasurable dividends. Furthermore, it is an opportunity for us to carry on the mission of the zeide, which has been a hallowed cause here in Lakewood for over 60 years.

The Rosh Hayeshiva asked Harav Mordechai Karelitz, Chairman of Chinuch Atzmai’s Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisroel, who had just arrived from Eretz Yisroel to share with the rabbonim some of the facts on the ground.

Rav Karelitz described how thousands of avreichim from all across Eretz Yisroel many of them who can barely afford the bare minimum for their own families, eagerly undertake to sponsor the transportation of a chinuch Atzmai child, as per the instruction of the gedolei hador. Millions of shekel are raised each year from struggling yungeleit, who forgo some of their basic necessities to earn this special zechus.

Rav Karelitz noted the affinity and kinship he feels with Lakewood as true partners in the achievements Chinuch Atzmai going back since the organization’s inception. More importantly, he described the momentum created by last year’s Lakewood campaign and the impact it had on communities around the world to follow suit. Lakewood, bli ayin horah, is tzibbur of osim uma’asim said Rav Kerelitz – they do and they inspire others to do.

Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky put the urgency of the cause in true context. “Es brent ah fire – a fire is raging!” When a fire burns, one doesn’t look at one’s abilities – one does whatever needs to be done!

He shared his own recollections of the reverence that gedolim of previous generations had for Chinuch Atzmai. He related that his rebbe, Rav Ahron, once solicited the Kapyshnitzer Rebbe, around this time of year, on behalf of Chinuch Atzmai. Without a moment’s hesitation, the rebbe asked his rebbetzin for a bag. He took all of the pidyonos he received from his chassidim for the upcoming Yamim Noraim, placed them into the bag without even glancing at them, and handed it over to Rav Ahron for Chinuch Atzmai.

Harav Osher Chaim Lieberman related the call of the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva to establish the upcoming Parshas Ki Savo as Shabbos Lema’an Yaldei Yisroel in all of Lakewood’s shuls and kehillos. He asked the rabbonim to convey to their mispallelim the importance of the initiative and the extraordinary zechus to be mishtatef in it.

Rav Lieberman closed the meeting with inspiring divrei chizuk from the Nefesh Hachaim regarding the zechus of those who solicit with mesiras nefesh for the Ribbono Shel Olam’s causes.

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