Get Set For School With Melamed Academy!

Melamed Academy is a ground-breaking affordable Yeshiva day school, available to students in

 any location. Entering its 6 th year, this innovative Torah-observant online school educates hundreds of students in multiple program tracks: College Degree Program, K-12 Torah Studies and General Studies, Course Credit, and MyMelamed Enrichment Remedial Services.
Why do students enroll at Melamed Academy?
Our online Torah day school includes hundreds of students studying Melamed courses via
 classroom computers at 50+ participating Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov schools.
Melamed Academy’s unique college program empowers students from age 16 to earn an
 accredited BA in a wide variety of majors, at VERY LOW COST, and with NO HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA requirement. Credit is earned by taking exams in Torah and General Studies subjects. High school students can take dual-credit courses and get a head start on college, while studying for a high school diploma.
Additionally, Melamed Academy is an online Yeshiva day school for homeschoolers, with Torah
 and General studies for Grades K-12, and accommodates individual needs, such as these:
“I’m homeschooling our family and am seeking a structured program which provides a high
 school diploma, with maximum flexibility.”
“My son isn’t ready to dorm out-of- town so we need a solution for 9 th grade.”
“Help! My daughter’s school closed down, and she needs to complete 12 th grade.”
“My daughter is a great girl, it’s just she likes to wear nail polish so there’s no school option in
“My son is a very bright boy; the problem is that he can’t handle the distractions of a classroom
“My son is autistic so he’s currently in a public school but we want him to get a Torah
“My child has health issues, so she can’t keep up with her class. Plus she’s missed a few credits.”
“My daughter can’t cope with the Torah studies in school because it’s all in Hebrew.”

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