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An Evening of Reflection & Inspiration – The Mirrer Yeshiva Virtual Dinner

This Thursday evening, December 31, thousands of Mirrer Yeshiva alumni, parents, friends, and supporters from around the world will gather around their computer screens to watch the live stream Mirrer Yeshiva Virtual Dinner. The short yet powerful one hour program promises to be an unforgettable and uplifting experience, covering The Mirrer Yeshiva’s glorious past, exceptional present, and promising future.

The virtual event, titled An Evening of Reflection, is dedicated in memory of the illustrious Rebbetzins of the Roshei HaYeshiva – Rebbetzin Malka Kalmanowitz a”h and Rebbetzin Reichel Berenbaum a”h, who devoted their lives for over half a century to their legendary husbands, and in turn for their harbotzas Torah in the Mirrer Yeshiva and around the world.

A special memorial tribute will be made for a pillar of our yeshiva – Mrs. Marta Schron a”h – a remarkable woman who partnered with her legendary husband ybl”c  R’ Ruby Schron shlita to raise a family stepped in Torah v’chesed, following in their example of philanthropy for Torah causes, and humble dedication to the Mirrer Yeshiva and all it stands for.

Mrs. Dvorah Leah Hecht a”h, will be remembered for her life of chinuch and chesed, and her devotion to her husband, Rabbi Pinchos Hecht, shlita, for his tireless work as Executive Director of Mirrer Yeshiva.

The evening of tribute will remember the lives of the Mirrer Yeshiva family and acheinu bnei Yisroel who were lost during this terrible mageifa. In that spirit, a special dedication will be made to the Mirrer Yeshiva Rabbeim, teachers, parents and talmidim who have selflessly kept the torch of Torah burning brightly during these difficult times.

A commemorative virtual Journal will be posted online to remember and honor these remarkable people.

To participate, please submit your tribute ads and contributions to the Mirrer Yeshiva HERE or, [email protected] or 718-645-0536.

The dinner will be live-streamed at this Thursday, December 31st beginning at 9 PM. Join us and be inspired.

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