What do you do when your child is GASPING FOR AIR?
Maayan is 11. She could be learning Chumash, baking cookies with her siblings and hanging out with her friends.
But Maayan’s life is filled with machines, medications, seizures, and daily life or death episodes which require 24 HOUR monitoring.
Maayan was born a healthy and adorable girl, but at age 3 her medical mysteries began and thrust her into the devastating world of Batten’s Disease which is a rare neurological disease that has robbed Maayan of her vision, all her muscle use and mobility, with epilepsy and severe lung disease included.
Maayan’s devoted parents juggle her 24 hour needs along with their 4 other children. Their day nurse provides critical care to Maayan so the family can function normally.
Now, her night nursing care has become an absolute necessity but the crushing cost is impossible for us to meet, alone!
Our goal is to raise funds for 24/7 nursing care for one year and to ensure that the family caretakers continue to care for Maayan or they will otherwise be compelled to leave, forcing an impossible burden onto Maayan’s parents.
Funds are urgently needed for Maayan:
Nursing Care 24/7: $80,000
A Personal Note from Maayan’s Parents:
To Our Dear Brother’s and Sisters in K’lal Yisrael:
The Hashgacha (fortuitous timing) of this Chanuka Campaign boosts us with an extra glimmer of hope and encouragement. May Hash-m bless each of you with a Wellspring of Blessings (a Maayan of Bracha) and miracles! With our deepest thanks.
–Devorah Hadassah & Yochanan Liebermann
This campaign is under the auspices of Rabbi Aaron David Neustadt, K’hal Chassidim, Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem, Israel.
Brachos and haskamos from HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, Rav Shmuel Steinhaus, shlita, Yavniel, Israel