Get Screened Before Starting Shidduchim

Dor Yeshorim Bein Hazmanim Screening for boys

LAKEWOOD: TODAY Monday April 29, 6:30pm – 8:30 pm @ YESHIVA KETANA HALL 120 2ND ST.

BORO PARK BP: TOMORROW Tuesday April 30’ 12:00 – 3:00PM @ BETH EL Hall 4802 15th AVE.

MONSEY: TOMORROW Tuesday April 30’ 6:00 -9:00PM @ STOLIN HALL 52 Main ST.

WILLIAMSBURG : Wednesday May 1’ 1:00 -3:00PM @ PUPA KIDDISH HAALL 110 Penn ST.

Dor Yeshorim’s mass screening events were initiated with the intent of making pre-marital screening easy, affordable, and accessible.

In addition to our standard & optional Ashkenazi Panels, we also offer a comprehensive Sephardic Panel for genetic diseases prevalent in Sephardic communities, as well as case specific testing, guidance, and support for families.

Take advantage of the mass screenings!

The testing fee is highly subsidized by generous donors and is offered at a nominal fee: $200. (individual testing $275)

Avoid expedited fees and extra time waiting before a shidduch because either party had not yet been tested.

Please note, it is imperative to check compatibility as early as possible in order to avoid potential heartbreak. A Dor Yeshorim compatibility check is not a commitment. It is the most important piece of information you need to assure the shidduch has future potential!

Dor Yeshorim 718.384.6060

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