Imagine, Your Son is at Home, Nowhere to Go. Most boys went back to yeshivah…

To all my dear Yidden,

I am a 16-year-old boy who deserves to be happy and Frum just like you.

Is it my fault that my upbringing was seeing my father abusing my mother and us children? Is it my fault that Gemara was always bitter to me, because my rebbi never understood my struggles at home, and instead made me feel like a total failure? Is it my fault that when I asked questions to understand Yiddishkeit, I was humiliated instead of getting answers?

Tough questions, right?… But Hashem gave me the answers to all of the above. He gave me a yeshivah where EVERYTHING is the opposite of my earlier experiences. He gave me Yeshiva of Morganville. He gave me Rabbi Flam who’s unconditional love erases the conditional love I experienced. He gave me classes that engage me instead of distancing me. He gave me fun and trips in place of abuse and horror.

Donate here to the Emergency 24 Hour Campaign

Why am I writing all this… Because now the yeshivah is in financial jeopardy!
I CANNOT think of going back to my old life. Please help Yeshivah of Morganville keep up their unbelievable work. Thank you for reading…


For more information please contact: Rabbi Yankie Flam 732.620.9026
Yeshivah Address:
6 Via Veneto Morganville, NJ 07751

Donate here to the Emergency 24 Hour Campaign

2 Responses

  1. I have a relative who wanted to go this yeshiva he didn’t wind up going but I heard very good things about Rabbi Flam and the yeshiva.

  2. i know this place, a truly awesome place, what they do with these boys is just amazing, literally saving these boys from being totally lost, this a truly worthy cause!!!

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