Mesivta Ohr Yisrael

Mesivta Ohr Yisrael, a division of Yeshiva Gedola Ohr Yisrael, (Est. Elul 1999), under the leadership of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Avraham Nesanel Zucker, and the Menahel Rabbi Raphael Bernstein, began its 7th year this past Elul. The Mesivta, located at 2940 Avenue P in Brooklyn, NY, has gained a well deserved reputation of excellence in both Limudei Kodesh and secular education. The Mesivta’s staff of talented, vibrant, and dedicated Rebbeim, inspire their talmidim to shteig in their learning, to perfect their middos, and grow in their yiras shamayim. For more information please call (718)382-8702.

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