Urgently Needed Equipment For Children With Severe Handicaps

The special school made it clear: each child must have the specialized equipment s/he needs. Otherwise s/he cannot begin the school year. Please don’t leave them at home.

They need your help!

Baruch U’Marpeh was founded in 1992 by Rabbi David Schlesinger in memory of his father R’ Baruch Schlesinger of blessed memory in order to ensure that every person in Israel would receive timely medical care that he needs and deserves. Rabbi Schlesinger noticed the gaping holes in the system and made it his business to fill those gaps and save lives. From then until today, Baruch U’Marpeh has helped tens of thousands of people improve their quality of life and has saved countless lives.

Now, at the beginning of the school year, this difficult situation has come to us and we are asking your help.

The school sent a detailed letter listing exactly what is required:
18 feeding pumps for children with gastro tubes – $1,620 each
10 custom-built safety beds – $4,000 each
9 custom-designed wheelchairs (some motorized) $7,500-11,000 each

Feeding pumps:
Children who can’t chew or swallow long-term need surgically inserted
gastrostomy tubes (PEGs) though which their nutrition and medication is
delivered directly to their stomachs. Feeding pumps are attached to the PEG
and are programmed to deliver nutritious liquid formula.

Custom-built safety beds:
Custom-built safety beds are necessary for children who have outgrown a
crib, yet need safe beds with high enough sides to protect them from falling
out due to seizures or thrashing. The beds must be well-padded for safety and
have a large front opening door for easy access to change diapers, dress and
attend to the children’s needs.

Custom-designed wheelchairs
Children who can’t support their own bodies needs custom-made wheelchairs
with supports, padding and straps to keep them in place. Those with complex
conditions need medical apparatus attached to their wheelchairs, such as
oxygen, suction machines, feeding pumps and more. Children who are able to
use the controls need motorized wheelchairs for increased independence.


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