4 Sick Kids About To Be Evicted


The Weinreb family’s landlord is not renewing their rental contract! Now that rents in Modiin Illit have risen so high, the family barely can afford the month payment, and eventually they will be unable to pay up. If they leave the town for a lower rent, that will be an even bigger disaster, as you’ll see in a moment.

Let’s meet this family. The father is disabled, owing to a brain malformation and failed surgery that left him far worse off than before. He is nowadays in a wheelchair and frequently hospitalized, yet the Bituach Leumi (Israeli Social Security) gives him not a penny of disability. Even the lawyer fighting his case cannot understand why.

As if this were not enough, each of the four children has his own health problem. The four-year-old has his father’s brain trouble, and also hydrocephaly (which will soon need surgery) and severe epilepsy. The eight-year-old son has the same brain malformation, as well as severe ADHD, needing special medication. He also has speech delays, learning disabilities and balance problems.

The six-year-old daughter has a serious autoimmune disease, and speech delays, learning disabilities, and balance problems. A problem with her right ear requires a visit every three months to the ENT and occasionally to the hospital in Ashdod. The nine-year-old daughter has Tourette’s syndrome, learning disabilities, and speech delays. Severe emotional distress from a recent trauma has put her in the care of a psychiatrist.

Just to top it off, Mrs. Weinreb’s mother recently passed away, and all the love and help she gave them is now gone.

Despite their many challenges, this family is potentially able to support itself. Mrs. Weinreb is a licensed massage therapist, whose services are in demand, and Mr. Weinreb is an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer. The Rambam says that the highest kind of charity is to help someone support himself, so he won’t need charity. This is exactly what we’re trying to do.

There are two problems we have to solve: the Weinrebs have nowhere to practice their respective trades, and they cannot leave the neighborhood.

Here’s why they need their neighborhood. After years of struggling on their own, this family finally have schools that can handle the children’s medical crises, doctors and specialists familiar with their case history, community organizations for aid with basic needs (such as food), and best of all, reliable and understanding neighbors to help out “whenever.” With all this community support they finally have the semblance of a normal life. To lose all this would be a disaster.

We are looking for a home for the Weinrebs that answers their needs. There are such apartments in their home town, with an extra room that they could use as a shared office space, finally allowing them to make a regular parnassah. What’s more, since Mrs. Weinreb would be working at home, she would be there in case of emergencies. There are even apartments that have a separate one-bedroom unit, that could be rented out to supplement monthly income. And there are a few such apartments right on the same street the Weinreb now live on, so they will not lose any of their life-saving help.

We need to raise an initial sum of $30,000, for a down payment on an apartment like this, so that the Weinrebs don’t lose everything and can finally make a parnassah of their own. For them, owning their own home is a necessity, not a luxury!

There are 51 billion Web pages today. You came to this page because Hashem knows that you can make a difference. Either you or someone you know can help this family, and so Hashem has brought you this opportunity. Now is the time to make a difference. Please copy the URL of this article and send it to all your friends, business acquaintances, and family. Please help us get the Weinreb story out before the public. Thank you in advance for your generous donation and for sending this article to others. Hashem willl surely bless you for this chessed.


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Or, within the USA, make checks out to Congregation Supporters Of Torah
(at the bottom of check, in the memo, write Rav Reuven Weinreb)
Mail checks to: Reuven Weinreb c/o Rabbi Eckstein 580 East 8st. Brooklyn, NY. 11218
All check donations are tax deductable. All money will go to the Weinrebs.

Within Israel: Contributions go to the Weinreb Family Fund established by Matan B’Seter of Kiryat Sefer. Contributions may be made by credit card by dialing 1-800-234-566 at any time, 24 hours a day. To contribute by check, cash, or bank transfer, or to set up a banker’s order, use the following information:

Bank: Poalei Agudat Yisrael Branch: 180
Account # 804401
beneficiary: “Korat Gag Fund”, #460
Institutional code: 53891, “Karnot Kiryat Sefer”
be sure to indicate Fund #460

Institutions: the receipt is recognized according to Par. 46 of the Tax Law
Contributions cannot be made using the “Nedarim Plus” device

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