Please Help A Young Widow And Her Five Children!

Until one and a half year ago, family Broll was a regular and happy family. In Elul 5776 Michael s”l, the father, was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors tried different chemotherapies – each treatment more challenging than the previous one – but, rachmonoh lizlon, without success. To our great sorrow, Michael s”l left this world just before Chanukah.

The family originates from France, but moved to E”Y upon getting married, with no relatives nearby that could help. The mother, Sarah, works part time and tries to continue raising her four sons and her little, four year old daughter, Avigail, who suffers from Down syndrome. While Sarah is very strong, the financial and emotional burden (including covering the therapy costs for little Avigail) is weighing heavily on the family and is too much for her to carry alone. Please, help Sarah and her five children generously, and give them hope for a brighter future. May the s’chus of zedokoh protect you.

Michael Broll s”l was a very creative and dynamic person. He loved the Torah and children and created a weekly online emission on to be marbitz Torah to French-speaking Jewish kids around the world. For many years, thousands of children waited excitedly for the weekly emissions, filled with Divrei Torah, explanations on the wonders of Hashem’s world, and funny Middos-puppet-plays. Even during his final illness, Michael bravely carried on, until his Koiches left him. The last emission was in Elul 5777. Michael will be irreplaceable, not only for his family, but also for the many children he inspired.


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