Matanot Loevyonim – Let’s Not Ignore A Family With 7 Sick Children R”L

Campaign by Rabbi Michoel Rottenberg, Lakewood

Dear Friends,

Did you ever hear of a family that has seven out of their ten children sick with a disastrous genetic disease? Did you ever hear of a family that both parents can not go to work due to the care their disabled children need?

Unfortunately, the Basch family of Ramot Jerusalem, matches this description exactly and are in a dire and desperate situation. If you don’t see it for yourself, you can not assess the gravity of their situation.

Sadly, seven out of their ten children are suffering from a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis. This illness causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system, and other organs in the body; a disease with no cure!

Not only are Mr & Mrs Basch physically and emotionally drained by their effortless care for their beloved children, but they also to have the additional burden to carry, of the never-ending expenses, to provide the very best care and improve the quality of their children’s lives.

Rachmanim Bnei Rachmanim, reading this shouldn’t leave us idle for even one single minute without taking immediate action to behalf this family in critical need. Let’s all unite together, open our hearths, and lend them a hand with the best of our abilities. Rest assured that your contribution today will make a major impact on the life for these seven beautiful children.

With Purim only one week ahead of us, this will be the most powerful way to fulfill the Mizvah of Matanos Lo’evyonim.

May Hashem bless you with a Freilichen Purim, Simchas and Nachas in good health.
Michoel Rottenberg, Lakewood

To donate on ChesedFund please click here.

For more information, please call:
Rabbi Michoel Rottenberg, 908-670-1577

Checks can be made out to:
Congregation Bais Mordechai, Keren Basch, 1455 Heathwood Ave, 08701 Lakewood, NJ.

To donate on ChesedFund please click here.

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