Tu B’Shvat, Limud HaTorah And The Zchus For Shidduchim

The power of Limud HaTorah and Tu B’Shvat offer special zchusim to help one find a shidduch. With the auspicious day around the corner, shidduch-seekers nationwide continue to join Shas For Shidduchim to be zoche their bashert.

This Tu B’Shvat, Wednesday, January 31, 2018, hundreds of lomdim will embark on a 24-hour quest to complete shas for the zchus of helping Klal Yisroel’s singles find their basherts. All proceeds will be donated exclusively for the mitzvah of hachnosas kallah, helping ease the financial burden for kallahs.

“What greater zchus is there than Limud HaTorah and to utilize its powers to help singles find shidduchim,” said HaRav Shmuel Fuerst, renowned posek, dayan and founder of the Chicago Chesed Fund.

Rav Gamliel Rabinovitch, shlit”a, renowned Torah authority and leading expert in Halacha and Kaballah, embraces the capabilities of Limud Hatorah and the mystical day of Tu B’Shvat. In his yeshiva, Yeshivas Hamekubalim in Yerushalayim, he leads a special tikkun on Tu B’Shvat for those who are seeking a shidduch.

Many Torah leaders throughout history tell of the connection between learning Torah and meriting a shidduch. The Zohar Hakadosh in Parshas Vayechi writes that Hashem has everyone’s zivug already ordained, and as soon as one accumulates enough merits, Hashem will immediately cause them to meet his or her proper bashert. The Chida writes that “Mishna” has the same numerical value as “zivug hagun bekarov” – “an appropriate match soon,” because one who is involved in Torah Study will merit to swiftly meet his or her intended.

Heed the call Rav Gamliel Rabinovitch, shlit”a, and others, and sponsor a daf for the zchus of finding a shidduch!

Click here to sponsor a daf for next week’s learning.

Click here for a full listing of mikoros.

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