Ohr Olam: Taking The World Of Halachah By Storm!

Our times have witnessed a blessed explosion of Torah study. Thanks to a number of pioneering Torah publishing houses, a wealth of material has been made available to the English-speaking public. Talmud, Chumash, commentaries, as well as countless other works of scholarly Torah literature have been made available in English and other languages, making it possible for any Jew, anywhere around the world, regardless of background or affiliation, to turn profound Torah study into a dedicated pursuit.

What, then, remains to be desired? Chazal tell us that since the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, the Shechinah resides in the “four amos of halachah study.” We have been indeed blessed with a wealth of literature, including many halachic works providing practical instruction. But the quality of halachah observance can be so greatly enhanced by knowing not only the bottom line, but also appreciating and living the depth of our halachah observance in a profound and comprehensive way. This was the Chafetz Chaim’s objective in his monumental, twenty-five- year project—the Mishnah Berurah. His objective was to enhance the quality of halachah observance by spreading an appreciation for learning, understanding, and living of the depth of Torah that lies behind everyday halachah observance. He strived to make comprehensive mastery of halachah the lot of every Jew, not limited to rabbanim.

Practically, many people seem to find the study of halachah on a regular basis non-stimulating and difficult to retain. At Ohr Olam, we see this as a challenge to open new vistas, and develop an entirely new dimension in the field of quality English Torah literature: comprehensive mastery of halachah in-depth. Encouraged by the blessings and urgings of Torah leaders of all affiliations, we have embarked on an initiative to produce a translated and elucidated Mishnah Berurah, that is on the one hand user- friendly and attractive, while on the other hand stimulating, comprehensive, and profound. It offers far more than a mere translation; it is a veritable elucidation of the original text, accompanied by extensive introductions and footnotes, providing much aid, background, and added dimension and depth to the study of the material. Innovative columns and appendixes have been added to enhance and assist the learning experience to the utmost, including a most unique section dedicated to modern day applications of the halachos. And, following the lead of the Chafetz Chaim himself, we began the project with Hilchos Shabbos.

As the Dirshu Halachah Daf Yomi now begins Hilchos Shabbos, this is your opportunity to add a new dimension to your learning and your dedication to halachah. With the Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah, halachos that you used to view as technicalities will now become a passion!

For more info E-mail: [email protected]

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