Mosdos Veretzky “Glimpse” Clip Highlights Special Moments and Academic Milestones

Mosdos Veretzky released another heartwarming clip in its ongoing series called “A Glimpse of Mosdos Veretzky.” These short clips depict beautiful nachas-moments in the everyday life of Yeshiva Ohr Shraga and Mesivta Bais Aron Tzvi Veretzky. It also provides a window into some of the veritable milestones achieved by our talmidim.
Aside from the large number of parents, grandparents and Veretzky alumni who cherish these beautiful audio-visual collages, the clips have generated an enthusiastic fan club of chinuch enthusiasts. The scenes beautifully portray the unparalleled synthesis of the Yeshiva’s chinuch motto, “Academic Excellence in a Positive Environment.”

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