Don’t Miss Your Chance To Fulfill This Rare Mitzvah

It all depends on Rebecca.

Rebecca lives in Middlefield Ohio and she’s a donkey, pregnant for the first time. She also happens to belong to the Pittsburgh Kollel – along with about 50 individuals – all who are hoping she will have a boy. The question arises, why would a Kollel want to own a donkey? The answer is easy, if Rebecca gives birth to a boy, the Pittsburgh Kollel together with the other shareholders will have the opportunity to fulfill the rare and exciting Mitzvah of Pidyon Petter Chamor.

Pidyon Petter Chamor is similar to the Mitzvah of Pidyon HaBen but less common for the simple reason that most of us don’t own donkeys! That could easily change by clicking here for

Communities like Cleveland, Toronto, Detroit, Phoenix, and Baltimore have taken the opportunity to fulfill the Mitzvah of Redeeming the Firstborn Donkey. In those communities shiurim were given around town prior to the event to inspire in attendees the beauty and significance of performing the mitzvah by educating about the purpose, details and background of the Mitzvah. In those communities thousands attended the event and donkey shareholders and attendees described the actual Pidyon as “unbelievable” and “very moving”. The Pittsburgh Kollel is excited at the prospect of following these communities in such a rare and uncommon mitzvah.

More details about the Mitzvah of Pidyon Petter Chamor can be read here.

Although Pidyon Petter Chamor is a Mitzvah Kiyumis, (one is only obligated to fulfill if you’re in that situation – i.e. If you own a donkey then you must do it but you don’t have to purchase a donkey especially for this!) many people are excited to join. Pidyon Petter Chamor is the only recommended form of Kodshim that can be done nowadays when we don’t have a Beis HaMikdash. It is a Mitzvas Assei Dioraisah and mentioned three different places in the Torah.

The Pittsburgh Kollel decided to give others in the Pittsburgh community and beyond the chance to buy a share in the donkey. In this way, if the foal is male, many people will have the obligation and opportunity to fulfill the Mitzvah. They are now making the same offer to the Yeshivah World readership. For the affordable price of $36 you can now become part owner of the Kollel’s donkey. Sponsorships are also available for $72 and $180. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to benefit the Kollel Beis Yitzchok of Pittsburgh.

Please note the following disclaimers:

  1. This mitzvah applies to Yisroelim only. If you or your husband are a Kohein or Levi, this donation will go towards strengthening this mitzvah and not towards an actual partnership (and towards supporting a very worthy Torah institution).
  2. The Kollel cannot take responsibility for donations given too close to the birth as there may be no time to do a Kinyan (Halachic acquisition).
  3. Note that the foal may be female and the mitzvah will not be done; your donation is given with this understanding.
  4. The Pittsburgh Kollel reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the mother donkey, the baby born and the Pidyon.

Rebecca is due sometime in June or July – there’s no way to know exactly. Time may be running out. Purchase your donkey share now by clicking here or go to

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