Win FREE Ticket to Israel in Oorah’s 8 Nights 8 Flights Raffle

Who wouldn’t love to win a free ticket to Israel? Good news: Oorah’s annual 8 Nights 8 Flights raffle is open for FREE entry as part of the official 2012 auction kickoff.

Oorah’s unparalleled auction, world-famous for its expected and unexpected prizes alike, is one of the main fundraisers for the organization’s extensive kiruv work. Based in Lakewood, NJ, Oorah reaches out to thousands of Jewish kids and their families, enabling them to bring Torah and mitzvos into their homes through dozens of programs geared for every age. From subsidizing yeshiva tuition (without which hundreds of Jewish students would be in public schools) to running TheZone camp which scores of campers call home over the summer, to coordinating the thousands of TorahMates across the US and Canada, Oorah has become one big, happy, extended family.

The newest of Oorah’s programs is the Learn ‘n ChillZone, a place where, as the name suggests, teens get together for a few hours of shmoozing, followed by some learning. The inaugural week proved to be a smashing success. A staff member who volunteered in the Staten Island location of Learn ‘n ChillZone relates that they had begun the evening by hanging out and eating. They were nervous about breaking up the relaxed atmosphere to start learning, but the girls responded enthusiastically. So much so, that when they ended the learning groups to begin dancing together, she didn’t believe the reaction of one group. Read all about it on the Oorah blog!

Entering the raffle is absolutely FREE! Simply fill out a form at And for every friend you refer, you get another free entry. Your name remains in the raffle for the entire eight days of Chanukah – that means you get a new chance to win every day!

Drawings will take place each day at 12 noon, and at 11 p.m. on Motzei Shabbos Chanukah. But hurry – don’t miss it! Enter NOW to win!


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