UPDATED II: Hikind Goes Ballistic; Denies Pushing Loyalist For Council

hikind chaim israelUpdate to our story yesterday:

Declining to respond in person, Assemblyman Dov Hikind issued a statement on his personal blog, not too much of a picked up blog to start off with, denying his involvement in pushing Chaim Israel, his loyalist, to run for City Council in the 44th district.

“It has come to my attention that YeshivaWorldNews is up to its old tricks. It’s not difficult to create new names, new “Dov Gordons” and to even get someone to now claim responsibility for what they will write. There are people who, sadly, will do anything for money.,” Mr Hikind writes.

“The YeshivaWorldNews scandal site is now targeting Chaim Israel of Agudas Israel in anticipation of a possible primary run against David Greenfield. They will create rumors and, sadly, sink to any depths to achieve their agenda which has nothing to do with informing Haredim of genuine news”
“I do not respond to YeshivaWorldNews or its illiterate graffiti artists who masquerade as reporters. But I want to make it clear to anyone who is interested that I have not endorsed anyone nor encouraged anyone to run in any forthcoming elections,”

hikind blog

“I have never been shy about stating what’s on my mind nor praising those that deserve praise. I have never shied away from defending my community or the ideals that we hold dear. If I want to endorse someone, I will certainly do so here and to legitimate media outlets, as I have always done,” Mr Hikind angrily concluded.


On The Dov Hikind show,Saturday night, Assemblyman Hikind denied any involvement in Chaim Israel’s expected council run against Councilman David Greenfield. “That is not accurate. That is not correct,” Mr. Hikind told a caller.

Mr. Hikind then turned to his co-host Dov Cohen mocking the caller and the information we gathered from reliable sources. “I wish i would know, Dov, where exactly that report came from… could it be that website.. what do you call it.. Yeshiva World? Because they are accurate about everything. .Ha ha..Right? They always get it right on the button,” said Mr. Hikind.


Updated Sunday 05-26-2013 02:11am

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. Very interesting. I was told that the ficticious Dov Gordon is actually Hikind.

    Hikind is one of the electeds who claims credit for everything most of which is out of his purview and with his poor attendence record how would he know what goes on in Albany?

  2. Dov has served the community for countless years… dont attack him – say thank you!!
    he is a nice fine guy whose only interest is assisting his community and israel….

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