DOJ Approves NYC Redistricting Plan

nycIn a letter to fellow New Yorker residing in the City of New York, the NYC redistricting commission’s Executive Director Carl Hum announced the Department of Justice’s approval of the final City Council redistricting plan. “I am pleased to inform you that on May 20 the United States Department of Justice pre-cleared the NYC Districting Commission’s plan to divide New York City into fifty-one City Council districts… This means that the final districting plan can now be legally implemented throughout the City of New York,” Mr. Hum wrote.

The new council district lines will go into effect for the upcoming Council elections later this year. To see the final districting plan, including maps that you can use to determine the Council district in which you reside, you can access the Districting Commission’s website at

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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